Hi David, EnViroN Listservers,

OK I am reading the link you gave us, me.
 Anything special I am supposed to glean from their web site.

Hopefully Brian approves of their facts and graphs.

<One thing we are trying to avoid is the "Olduvai Theroy".
<The other is massive warfare.

OK What is the "Old u vai" Theory
 DavidD you have me stumped...

Actually I predicted before the year 2000 that massive bloodshed, aka as
warfare, would be happening to my children's generation. HEY I was right so
far, begrudingly, yet no one has yet noticed the trend. It has to do with
the young bucks and does in leadership positions, and on the ground that
know no better from history.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
Y i Engr, MA/NY DDave