Hi Ken, Kay, TI-Doug, , , IPC LF Listservers,

NAH! Ken, you have to put it someplace on the actual product not on a
shipping container that gets thrown away. COME ON!!

I have got to read TI-Doug's stuff to see what componentry suppliers are
doing since each of them and us can do things a bit differently.

Ken, I would advise you to download from TinTechnology's web site the
labelling study that Kay was involved in and published just awhile ago. I
have the file yet maybe Kay can give us the latest link since she will be
quite a bit faster than me. It describes a pile of different approaches to
marking which includes corporation specific labellling.

All the other stuff JEDEC, IPC, and others are good to read to see what
works for your company, the EU, inport agents, etc.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

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