Show me somebody that's in this biz for more than 5 years who doesn't
need help.


>>> [log in to unmask] 10/01/04 10:53AM >>>
Clyde, you need psychological help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clyde Sprowl [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 10:08 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [TN] NTC: very important information about 911 attacks



>>> [log in to unmask] 10/01/04 09:27AM >>>
I am a regular contributor to this group, but for what I have to
say today I prefer to use an alternative emailadress and a fake
name. I know it is inappropiate to post this here, but given the
huge importance of the issue and the fact that the
government-owned media is withhelding this kind of information
for the public, I decided to post this anyway. This message is
about the events that took place on the 9th of September of 2001
and about how the US government is insulting our intelligence
by expecting us to believe in their "official story" which
clearly is "the biggest lie ever" as I will show you here:
The following webpages:
[2] an
[3] demonstrate with good
quality photographs taken from official US Army websites that
the official story about the Pentagon attack simply cannot be
true. The evidence is overwhelming that whatever caused the
damage to the Pentagon it was not a Boeing 757. If you suspect
that these photographs are manipulated by "conspiracy nuts" who
made these websites than do like I did and try to find images on
the Internet that do show parts of a Boeing 757 lying in the
rubble. I promise you that you won't find any.
[4] proves (by
showing the owner of the WTC admitting it on TV) that building 7
of the WTC was taken down by controlled demolition, just a
couple of hours after the main towers fell. The idea that it is
possible to organize a controlled demolition within a period of
a few hours in the middle of a disaster area is insane, so it
had to be planned before. The story is also in direct
contradiction to the official FEMA report.
There is in fact plenty of substantial evidence to be found on
hundreds of websites that also the two main towers were blown up
by explosives.
In the morning of 09-11-01 it was reported on
[5] that a Boeing 767 (United Flight 93) out
of Boston had made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins
International Airport due to concerns that it may have had a
bomb aboard. The plane had been moved to a secure area of the
airport, and was evacuated. Three years after posting the story
its existence was reported for the first time on national radio.
Strangely enough a few hours later the story was retracted. Find
the evidence of this story on:
This feeds the already strong suspicion that the planes that hit
the WTC were not the same planes that were reportedly used for
the attacks.
All 8 Black Boxes (2 per plane), which are designed to be
indestructible in the event of a tragedy, were damaged beyond
use. And still we are asked to believe that one of the hijackers
brought his passport with him on a domestic fight, even though
he knew he would not need it then, or ever again; that upon
impact the passport flew from the hijacker's pocket (or was he
holding it in his hands?), that the passport flew out of the
aircraft, that it flew out of the burning tower, and that it was
carried by the air currents and landed safely, where it could be
discovered, several blocks away ...
According to a recent poll by Zogby International almost half of
the New Yorkers believe US Leaders had foreknowledge of
impending 9-11 attacks and consciously failed to act. So why
didn't we hear about this important outcome on National
Television or in the newspaper? Seems someone is trying to
withhold this information from us.

Read all about 8 of the alleged hijackers being alive and well
after 911 (with links to official news reports):
A brandnew book by wellknown Michael C. Ruppert
([10] names Vice
President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass
murders of 9/11 and establishes that, not only was he a planner
in the attacks, but also on the day of the attacks he was
running a completely separate Command, Control and
Communications system which was superceding any orders being
issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation

Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has
personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This
courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and
possibly his life, to get this information out to people. The
following is from his latest visit to Alex Jones' radio
show: "This (9/11) was all planned. This was a
government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order.
He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason
and mass murder."
Don't take my word for all this but check the links, and see
what you can find on "official" and other pages. It seems to me
that the so-called "conspiracy writers" do a much better job in
providing evidence for their claims than the official
writers do, and after all the official story tell just another
conspiracy, one about some Arabic terrorists working together
with chief-conspirator Osama Bin Laden to attack the US. But I
repeat: don't take my word for it, that would be just as foolish
as believing Goverment Officials who tell you that that you
simply must believe them or otherwise you are unpatriotic and
one of the bad guys. Search for information, check the facts,
and see where it leads you.
Sorry if I wasted your time, I just think you need to know this.


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