Hi UK-Bob (SMART), Dolby-CNJ, DTI, NPL and IPC LF Listservers,

Once again thanks for the links to this meeting.

In the first section of the discussion.pdf "RoHS Implementation" in items 2
and 7 long term reliability was noted as needed by Marconi and then by BT.

I already know from a previous note, awhile ago, on this forum that UK-NPL
is doing certain reliability work, YET my concern is that real field
functioning Lead Free Electronic Assemblies are not being put in service
for long life or solder-joint/laminate/  stressful applications.

Since NPL has been contracted by DTI I would like to suggest putting long
life expectancy units into the field as part of their charter. From
companies like Marconi you can put parallel units in the field that are
subjected to a range of environments that should cause failure. Tracking of
these units must go on for 10 years plus depending on the application.

Yours in Engineering, Dave
YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

P.S. More later as I read the documents.

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