LOL... Mitch you crack me up.

Air pollution does come from cows, and horses and pigs, and chickens, and
people... you should have seen the streets of New York around the turn of
the 19th century... whew...

Who knows, maybe there's an endangered species that feeds off the stuff...
like green house plants for example... makes fertilizer... that's bio
degradable... the methane is another problem... we need smoke stack
scrubbers for the exhaust ports on those animals.. might cause global

I agree with controlling the levels of pollution, but there have to be
limits on our insanity... What was the old saying... " the solution to
pollution is dilution"

We tend to do things here in the U.S. in a large scale centralized fashion
for money making reasons... spread it out... make it smaller...

I think we could have a more cellular approach to things that would make our
country less susceptible to terrorism, or less likely to suffer lack of
infrastructure in a natural disaster for example...

If each home was making their own electricity, fuel cells or solar cells...
or maybe some other form of power generation... mini nuclear power plants
for example... like the ones they put in Submarines...

Heheh... just kidding that would be crazy right? Then no single company
would control the market...


Bill Brooks
PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D., C.I.I.
Tel: (760)597-1500 Ext 3772 Fax: (760)597-1510

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch S. Morey [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 4:27 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [DC] [TN]/[DC Lead free

yup, ya got me there Lou. Guess that's the reason I couldn't understand
most of the formulas in the magazine.

Maybe a comment by Phil Zarrow will help (Circuits Assembly, Sept 2004)
page 6:
"I am far from convinced that the Pb-free movement is anything in the way
of environmentally advantageous. Sadly, though, it is becoming a fact for
anyone who sells products in the EU. The bottom line is that no one behind
it seems to give a you-know-what that it is likely to be worst for the
 My remark about 'being better for it' was a bit facetious; pain and
suffering sometimes build character. But, as I said, I cannot see where
we all will be better off with this so-called environmentally correct
 Beyond the legislative and political aspects, Pb-free has become quite a
medicine show. As you likely noticed in my June column ["The truth Shall
Make You Lead Free" p.14], I have a particular problem with those who lie
about processes and properties in order to promote their patented
solutions. So the circus goes on"

Maybe we have it wrong here in the US. Please post some articles of
science that dispute Phil's claims. I'm open...  :)

Good day.

> When has Circuit Tree become a peer review scientific journal????
> Don't you think they know where there bread and butter comes from????
>>Got my latest CircuitTree issue with an article "Lead Free Groupthink"
> by Joseph >
>>Fjelstad; got the latest Circuits Assy with an article saying the UK
> didn't base their laws >on Science, it was a political decision.
> Yep and air pollution comes from cows... W

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