Hi Micron's RyanG, Chuck, Brian, and IPC LF Listservers,

I see that Sun's Chuck already gave a reasonable answer in terms of "So
when Sony goes forward they try hard to be good" as compared to others who
try hard to deny or avoid issues and concerns and have law suits.

Years ago my experience with many Japaneese companies in Optoelectronics,
supported years later by one long term Japaneese resident NY/NJ Port of
Authority official, suggested to me they applied different principles
than we in the USA and maybe the UK found familiar. They do the best they
can with current knowledge, cultural and language barriers and then move
forward to do what is expected of them.

YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

P.S. Back in the late 50's they said the Japaneese could only build junk
radios and copy like mad. How the west misunderstood is amazing.

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