This past January we began seeing unusual 'growths' ((for lack of better descriptive wording)) on the surface of panels after copper II, they are typically observed on one end of the panels, often only a couple panels per tankload exhibit this.
These 'growths' look like fine strands of metal of fabric fibers, they are clustered together like someone poor shavings there, and plated over them. If any of you recall pics of those bacteria found in that Mars asteroid from the Antarctic, they appear similar to that (not saying we have bacteria growing in our baths of course). Occasionally we see this out towards the center of panels, I don't believe we have ever seen all panels in a tankload exhibit this either. This condition is observed on one or two loads per day (out of about 20 - 30), some days not at all.
We started seeing this in one bath (of three in house) until recently it appeared in another bath simultaneously.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as our process engineers, lab techs, and suppliers are baffled.
Franklin D Asbell
Network Circuits, Inc.
Irving, Texas 75061