Just thought some of you might like a little unseasonable yuck. Our good
friend from the farthest reaches of your planet provided some Eastern
insight. I replied with none.

Hello Moonman,

The interesting thing is I'm the AME/PCBA process engineer in several
PDTs(Product Development Team) right now. That's my job responsibilities. We
produce telecomm equipment in China. We have our own DFM checklists in the
company. Different from your big list, we use different checklists for the
different review points in a design process. We discuss a lot over the
checklists and keep updating them. It's interesting to see somebody at the
other end of the world doing similar things. But the company just started
the DFM/CE in the recent two years, so we are just pupils(over 30 years in
the business! what do they call such a man? Grand old man? or dinosaurs? : ).

Wish you a Merry Christmas on earth.

Jiang Ping


You're right about revising the check lists as needed. Just don't do it for
its sake alone. Keeping current with technology is essential, but trying to
get ahead is what it's all about. I mean, you know that what with such
"traditional" values you folks all have. No dinosaurs there, right?

You used the magical acronyms DFM/CE. Outstanding! Where did you come up
with the CE part of the equation. Oh yes, tradition and culture. You folks
must be incapable of doing it without concurrence. On the one hand I applaud
you all. On the other, you must become less traditional/dinosauristic and
get more entrepreneurial - though you shouldn't take it too far. The West
and East have been trying, though not too well, to get together forever. Why
doesn't it work. Maybe money will solve the problems but, maybe, with fewer
kidney harvests in the field in your country and fewer .coms in ours.

Grand old man? Not exactly! Dino! No, and still revered as someone
progressive having sought and taught CPI seemingly forever and people still
don't listen well enough. Ain't got no labels on me but for self
proclaimed - as MoonMan looking down upon it all and seeing it repeated time
after time though still not getting it right without DFM/CE.

Wish you a Merry Christmas - wherever you are.



Hope you don't mind my posting this. Even so, If you're really doing it
right where you are, some shame on us over here.

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