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May be you need to look for different material for your jig so that the jig is thinner and carry less heat. Also you probably need to build more jig to allow cool off time before use it again.

Date:    Mon, 26 Nov 2001 23:44:19 -0800
From:    Peter Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Wave soldeing jig thickness


Has anyone experienced problems with running boards through wave
soldering in a pallet with deep machined pockets?

My jigs are quite thick (~0.5") in order to mask off the high filter
components on the solder side. As a result the jigs get very hot after
soldering and takes long time to cool down to be feed back to the cycle.
It also affects my profiling, throughput, and seems to create more dross
than usual.

Any comment or advice?
