I don't know of a "coating" for thermal conductivity, but check out
Aavid/thermalloy (www.aavid.com) for their A-Pli material.  Other companies
to check are Thermagon (www.thermagon.com)  and Bergquist
(www.bergquistcompany.com) and Chomerics (www.chomerics.com)  This last one
may be the one you wanted.  They have some "goop" for filling gaps.

Good luck.   You might check out www.electrobase.com and search on
"heatsinks" and "thermal"

Earl Wildes
Sr. Component Engineer
Korry Electronics Co.
901 Dexter Ave N.
Seattle, WA  98109
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-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen R. Gregory [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 4:54 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [TN] Ruggedizing Assemblies...

I know what I'm about to ask, probably won't get many responses...I
understand. It has to do with ruggedizing assemblies, mostly having to do
with thermal management.

I've done some pretty extensive searching, and have read quite a bit about
conduction cooling...but I've heard about a type of "Foam" or coating, that
has recently been used to beat the heat...I can't find anything about it

So per chance, I thought I would ask here...anybody know anything about

As always, thanks a bunch!!

-Steve Gregory-

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