I've been talking to the fellows at ACI/EMPF and we have decided we would like to form a users group for the MUST System II Wetting Balance.
I guess what I would like to see would be the following:
1) Have multiple sources of advice for little problems
2) Share info on the test parameters for new and/or weird parts.  For example, how do you hold a 0201 in a clip made for 0805's?  How do you hold a thumbwheel?!! How deep do you immerse some of these wonderfully designed components that only have solderable surfaces on the vertical side of the part!  GRRRRRR!  I think you get the picture.
3) Champion using globule testing as opposed to a full solder bath dip.
4) Act as resource for the IPC 5-23a Task Group (J-003) and IPC 5-23b Task Group (J-002), if Dave Hillman and company are willing to have us.  :)
5) Apply persuasion, if it becomes necessary, with regards to service as the Multicore/Loctite/Henkel transition continues.
Note, anyone is of course able to form a similar group for other wetting balances and we aren't making any claims one way or the other here about the equipment in question.
So, if you are interested, phone or e-mail me.
Bev Christian
Materials Engineering Lab Manager
Research in Motion
519-888-7465  x 2468