You probably won't get paid for the parts and labor, but at least pushing
for it will help your vendor understand your situation a little better.  I
would start a little collection, in case more fall out.  At the least, it
should also help them monitor their process a little better.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen R. Gregory [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 10:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [TN] "Touchy" Question...

Hi All Ya'll...

I know what I'm about to ask, may seem petty, but I'll ask anyway...

Those of you that read my posts earlier about the delamination/blister deal,

well this is related to that.

Is the persuit to finding out what happened with *these two" boards worth
time, lab services, etc...worth it?

Like I said earlier, it's only two assemblies...$1,500 dollars at the most,
decent amount of money to me (I could do a lot with $1,500 dollars), but a
barely a drop in the bucket in the overall scheme of things...

The reason that I'm asking this question, is because I was enlightened by
of the buyers that even if we do determine that there was a problem with
these *TWO* fabs, the vendor probably will give us two new replacement fabs,

but we can write the components off, as well as our that pretty

Like I also said, this is the first time this has happened, with everything
that was shipped to us since November last year...everything has been pretty

good. Reflecting here at home, with a brew in my hand, me thinks I might be
making much ado about nothing...I'll keep this in the ol' memory banks, and
if it gets worse, then I have a history to base my "whinings" on...

So, learned ones, should I go the lab route and analyze everything to "inth"

degree? Or just realize that it maybe was a fluke, and keep an eye out for
the same deal in the future? If it does get worse, then would be the time
thumb-screws...but part of me says; "Steve, why wait for it to get worse?"

As always, all ya'll, are the best...

-Steve Gregory-

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