At this moment I would look into a generator, I know sounds
crazy but you could use it to just run your AC units, or peak shave (limit
the amount you are using from the utility) plus you get the added benefit of
having a back up system to cover your production line. If you really want to
go for broke sell the power you don't need back to the utility at a premium,
and then your generator is paid for in a year or less.


Hello Techies,

I wonder if anyone can come up with some good ideas for our little problem:

We now have a heatwave with the temperature at over 30 DegC in the shade
that's 86 in old money.

Our conformal coating room which is 10,000 cubic feet (that's 283.17 in new
money) is extracted at 5000 cubic feet per minute = 30 exchanges per hour.

The problem is, I cannot easily chill that amount of air without incurring
the wrath of the Euro-Environmental Lobby (we call them Eels! If you need
to figure out why, then you need to get out more)

Can anyone suggest a novel, but effective way I can chill my staff - apart
from freezing their wages of course!

What a year, first we drown then we cook - yours in anticipation Larry the
RegardsRegards, Graham Naisbitt

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