Hi Bev!

Hey, I found a company that makes a label called they "Watermark", and they
say it's a water exposure indicating label. Go to:


The company is in the UK, and they didn't have a whole lot of information
about the label, but they do have a information request form on the page that
you can fill out requesting info on their products...might be something to
look into.

-Steve Gregory-

Hann asked this same sort of question May 9th and I am not aware of any
answers being posted.  Certainly not with the same title (searched

Ever have clients dunk your hard work in water and then claim that you
couldn't make good product?  Do any of you know of any really small,
moisture indicator strips that permanently changed color when they are
dunked in liquid water, as opposed to just being exposed to high humidity
for long periods of time?  I know, I know a tall order.  Any help would be
appreciated.  Thanks.

Bev Christian
Research in Motion