Thirty years later and the Court is still
  making mistakes!!!  ;->
> Supreme Court Ruling Griggs v. Duke Power in the mid-70's ruled that you
> could not test for general intelligence in hiring.  Of course this has been
> expanded by lawyers and their social ilk into not testing for much of
> anything.  It's all CYA.  It's worse in large businesses than small because
> of professional HR.  Perhaps the best route is through a "trial period" as a
> temp or intern, if someone is smart and wants to work, just about everything
> else (within reason) will follow.  Take it from a former philosophy major,
> bicycle mechanic, prison warden who now designs circuit boards and manages a
> lab which does radiation hardness testing. Go figure...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David J. Sanchez [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 11:15 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [TN]
> I am wondering why you don't test your applicants on those basics before you
> offer them a job?  Can't you make a year of high school electronics a
> minimum prerequisite for those positions?  To me you are really scraping the
> bottom of the barrel and you may need pay more money to attract better
> people.  I guess that is what happens when the economy is good.
> You can start a high school work experience program. With internships or
> with work experience programs you don't even have to pay them or you can pay
> them less then minimum wage as they learn.  (Check your local labor laws)
> Once they graduate they are ready to work for you.
> If they can't deal with decimals or fractions, throw them back.
> David
> Kelly..
>   Maybe we need MORE preaching!!! We definitely
> need MORE parenting and LESS worrying about
> political correctness. Enough.. Have a great
> weekend.
>                      Regards,
>                                 Bob
> Mike & All -
> Happy New Years - You too Aussie-lek, if you're awake,
> My personal  feelings are that too many parents, of these  folks, have spent
> too little time getting in  behind the kids at a time when it counted and
> leaving the problem to those of us out here!!!  Our social systems, at least
> here in the U.S., these days, seem to tolerate even less than mediocrity.
> Thankfully, I went thru the schools, in years gone by, when a kid who was
> inattentive or had an "attitude" problem had a whole lot more to be
> concerned once he got home.  The last thing I ever wanted my was for my
> folks to learn about was that I over stepped my bounds or goofed off in
> class.
> I never doubted that Mom, Dad or anyone else in my family loved me.  I
> simply understood that I had an obligation to them and my future, and no
> quarter was allowed.  As a family, we just didn't have any room for failure,
> nor did may others, back in the early '40's.  Having spent some time in the
> military in various projects reinforces my overall feelings in this matter.
> Fractions and decimals are a normal part of life if a person just pays a bit
> of attention to their surroundings and does a minimal amount of brain
> work!!!
> Pardon me for preaching.
> Y'all have a good day, a wonderful week, and try to stay warm -
> Kelly
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Fenner <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Thursday, January 04, 2001 3:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [TN]
> As an aside I mentioned this to my (primary school) teacher friend.
> For what it's worth I pass on her remarks:
> What they do is to use clementines (small easy peel oranges). These
> neatly segment into halves quarters and so on, apparently the
> difficulty is getting the "numberness" of fractions over and this is a
> good way of illustrating it visually. You can see a quarter [1/4] and
> three quarters [3/4] etc.. Apparently once this concept has been
> grasped fractions are then easy. A further benefit for her pupils
> anyway is that you can then eat your work.....
> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kelly M. Schriver" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 9:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [TN]
> Hi Phil -
> I had to teach the fraction and decimal reading many years ago and
> took the
> following approach, which seemed to work.  I prepared Vu-Graph
> slides, to
> scale, of both types of rulers (decimal & fraction), adding actual
> markings
> to them to help the students grasp the concepts, then had them work
> along
> using identical rulers at their training work stations.  The final
> exercises
> consisted of a test of taking measurements of small wood blocks,
> then we
> graduated to the use of calipers, micrometers and feeler gages..
> For a few students, I had to use graphic illustrations of squares,
> subdivided by both decimal and fractional elements.
> IMHO (in my humble opinion), it worked, but I always wondered where
> these
> folks were during third and fourth grade math classes which were
> paid by our
> tax dollars.
> Regards - Kelly
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Nutting <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 11:56 AM
> Subject: [TN]
> Happy New Year All,
> In our in-house training program we include not only soldering, but
> through
> hole assembly techniques, print reading, component identification
> and
> reading a scale or ruler. One problem we have encountered is there
> are some
> assemblers that have no understanding of fractions.  I'm looking
> for a good
> method of teaching fractions and what all those little lines on a
> ruler
> mean.
> Any comments?
> Feel free to contact me online or offline.
> Thanks in advance.
> ps,  I give up. What is IMHO?  I know ROFL, LMAO and LOL, but IMHO?
> Phil Nutting
> Manufacturing Engineer
> Kaiser Systems, Inc.
> High Voltage Power Supplies That Work(tm)
> 126 Sohier Road
> Beverly, MA 01915
> ph: 978-922-9300
> fx: 978-922-8374
> [log in to unmask]
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