Hi Wolfgang,
No slight intended! When I stated that you make format translators, I was referring to your ability to input and output ODB++.
Best wishes,
Julian Coates
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 13 October 2000 13:49
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: RE: [TN] ODB++ file?????

Thanks for the write-up.

Router Solutions' CAMCAD product can also read ODB++.


-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Coates [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Fri, Oct 13, 2000 02:18a
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [TN] ODB++ file?????

Dear All,

I am from Valor Computerized Systems, the company who funded the development
of the ODB++ CAD/CAM data exchange format. I hope I can explain a few

As others have mentioned in this email thread, ODB++ contains all data
required for manufacture of a bare board, and also the data for assembly and
test (testpoints, netlist, component bills-of-material, component physical
models). The goal of ODB++ is to provide a more efficient method for
transferring designs between the design and manufacturing stages, including
feedback of manufacturability rules and constraints. The data exchange is
less ambiguous, and less effort has to be made by the manufacturing
engineers to understand the incoming data, which saves time, money, and
reduces the risk of mistakes. For the designer, he only has to produce one
file, not the usual combination of BOM/Gerber/Excellon/IPC-D-356/HP-GL

The format is open, and available to any other third parties to make use of,
in addition to the Valor-supplied DFM and CAM systems. The following
companies support output of ODB++ from CAD:

Cadence (Allegro from V13.6 and onwards, see the Cadence website)
Mentor (Expedition, and by the end of this year, Boardstation as well)
Intercept Technology (Pantheon)
Zuken (CR5000 and Visula)
Valor (Enterprise 3000 DFM system for PCB designers)
Router Solutions (ICT applications and format translators)
Xynetix Design Systems

The following CAM tools read in ODB++

Fastechnologies (DNC/CNC systems)
Valor (Trilogy 5000)
Frontline (Genesis 2000)
Barco-ETS (UCAM)

Beyond this, the following costing and production-control companies have
ODB++ interfaces:


In addition to the above companies, the following additional 3rd-parties are
in the process of implementing the format:

Bartels (layout system)

The policy of Valor with regard to ODB++ is this:

1. To support any and all 3rd-party companies who wish to implement it. We
provide a testing and advisory service to any members of the Valor "Open
Systems Alliance".

2. To improve and develop the standard to meet the emerging and changing
needs of the industry, for example, by making the format fully
XML-compliant. The development of the format is driven by the users, of whom
there are more than 1000 world-wide.

3. To offer the ODB++ format to industry standards-bodies as a basis for a
formal standard, including handing over responsibility for the further
development of the format specification. Until this occurs, Valor will
continue to develop the format and support all 3rd-parties.

I hope this information is useful; I will be glad to receive any further

Best wishes,

Julian Coates
Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. (Israel)

[log in to unmask]

tel: int+44 790 171 2552

> -----Original Message-----
> From: TechNet [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Ken Patel
> Sent: 13 October 2000 00:06
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [TN] ODB++ file?????
> Can I ask my layout house who is using Cadence Allegro to output
> ODB++ file?
> Is fab house love to have this format?
> re,
> ken patel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen R. Gregory [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 2:48 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [TN] ODB++ file?????
> In a message dated 10/12/2000 4:31:44 PM Central Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> > Fab expert,
> >  What kind of ODB++ is? Is it a drill file? What is the use of it?
> >
> >  Educate me.
> >
> >  re,
> >  kp
> Hi Ken!
> A paste from Valor's web page is below, and there's a *.PDF document about
> OBD++ at:
> http://www.valor.com/obd.pdf
> -Steve Gregory-
> "ODB++ is the most intelligent CAD/CAM format available today,
> capturing all
> CAD/EDA, assembly and PCB fabrication knowledge in one single, unified
> database. Originally developed by Valor Computerized Systems for
> use in its
> own PCB CAD/CAM systems, Genesis 2000, Enterprise 3000 and Trilogy 5000,
> ODB++ is quickly taking its rightful place as the de facto industry
> standard,
> providing unprecedented power to PCB design, fabrication and
> assembly, with
> the flexibility to expand as required.
> Unique, Expandable Structure
> ODB++ is an ASCII open format which captures a vast knowledge base gleaned
> from the PCB design, fabrication and assembly arenas. Some
> formats, such as
> Gerber and Excellon, are too simplistic and ambiguous by nature. Other
> proposed standards have an implicit, CAD-like structure which may lead to
> misinterpretation of data. But ODB++ combines an explicit
> structure with an
> unprecedented level of intelligence to describe the actual board.
> Features
> Analysis results included inside Checklists assure easy viewing by all
> parties, as well as verification of checks run and criteria used.
> Includes a wide range of system attributes such as impedance,
> plated/non-plated holes, layers connected by specific holes, etc.
> WYSIWYG description of layers eliminates ambiguities.
> Notes can be attached to x-y locations and specific layers.
> Attributes at the single feature level.
> Unique board layer and order definitions.
> Support for data placed in panel layers.
> Exact area for each pin included inside the component.
> Supports merging of BOM data
> Installed and in use at over 500 Sites
> Outputs already exist from Open Systems Alliance partners, Cadence, Mentor
> Graphics, PADS, VeriBest and Zuken-Redac.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
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Please visit IPC web site (http://www.ipc.org/html/forum.htm) for additional
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