
GR-78-CORE and TR-NWT-000357 are the Telcordia (Bellcore) specs for the design and manufacture of the board.   http://www.telcordia.com/

Regards Norm

[log in to unmask] wrote:

I'm trying to determine what are the pertinent Bellcore specifications
for PCB's that are analogous to IPC 6011/6012. I've discovered that there
are certainly a whole bunch of Bellcore specs.

Jim Dobbins
Tel:     (408) 530-4700 Front Desk
Tel:    (408) 530-4745 Direct Line
Email:  [log in to unmask]


                            ( 0 0 )
|                                                                 |
| Norm Moseng                   Voice   630-378-6258              |
| Tellabs Inc.                  Fax     630-378-6721              |
| 1000 Remington Blvd.          Email   [log in to unmask] |
| Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440   MS      214                       |
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