---------Included Message----------
>      From: "Olson, Jack" <[log in to unmask]>
>      Subject: Re: [DC] Cadence Allegro RS274x Artwork Bug
>      I disagree.
>      The GERBER 274X format has been out since the 80's I think. >
If Cadence hasn't figured it out by now, either someone isn't
>      complaining loudly enough or you are being ripped off!
>      Even the cheapest CAD programs in the world can write 274X.

Ah Contrair Jack,

Cadence did figure it out long ago. Most of the problems I've
encountered (mostly heard of) were because of either weird database
units or "these darned advanced shape fills". If you're only aware of
good design practices with your CAD packages these normally wouldn't
crop their ugly heads. Best to learn how best to view/plot your gerbers
and do a final, thorough exam of all your layers.(!)

(Ever see a whole group of people rush to put out a fire because one of
their own started it? Who do you think would get the blame? Of course,
the match manufacturer!)

Good day.

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