They are not in New England, but you might want to consider Nortel Networks'
Center for Microelectronics in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  They can depot
anything then go at it with SEM, TEM, EDX, infrared imaging, FIB, ion
milling and all sorts of other stuff I don't know about.  You can call Dr.
Martine Simard Normandine at 613-763-5006.  Her e-mail address is:
[log in to unmask]

Bev Christian
Director of Electronics Manufacturing

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilber Heath [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 7:54 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [TN] Evaluation of Failed IC's

Hi All,
Does anyone out there know of a lab in the New England area that can
take failed I.C.'s and evaluate them for the cause of failure. I believe
we have had this done before, but all of the players that were involved
are no longer here and we can not find any records of who did the
evaluation. Please respond directly if you can offwer any leads.

Thanks greatly

Wilber Heath
SCI Systems Inc.
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