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October 1999


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Mon, 11 Oct 1999 08:04:12 -0400
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"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, joyce <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (154 lines)
If you can't beat them...join them... become one of the Andy!..(It possibly
took long time for Andy...Not sure how old is he when he become a
manager?...A short cut, take MBA from one of top ten..Even some of the top
ten has problem with their own pension plan...that doesn't matter! Better,
take MBA exec program=shorter faster and 10x costly..if the pocket $ is

Low cost version, start subscribe "business week" (cost you much less=like
45.95 a year), or better, borrow business week issues from local
library..(internet version still required subscription...see how successful
these "business" guys get into "business".. no free bees).

Steve: Blow off some steam, but then take a different tack.  Learn their world
> a bit, and learn to speak their language. --- Rob

Rob is right, the good place to start (and have fun time) is to buy a Bluff
book: "Bluff your way in Management"...A little pricy for a small book ( I
do mean SMALL), but, all the "stuff" you take notice in UK are
costly...Brits are costly chaps...generally speaking(chaps, don't beat me
up!)..Here is the web site you can check...

Steve, I guess you are too old to become a Internet start up (someone told
me that if you havn't done anything at 30, you are too old for
Internet...YOu are from the golden place, you should know
better)...definitely, not too old for a management job..(someone told me,
they like wine...if aging properly,...)...

Good luck!  and have fun in the new territory (new language, new face, new
everything...Star Trek...hehehe)
At 10:25 PM 10/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
> It is truly a challenge and highly frustrating to try and properly convert the
> wants, needs and desires from Engineering to Management and back again,
> especially when technical issues are involved.  Management is typically
> convinced that engineers do not have their eye on the real agenda (staying
> profitable) and engineers are convinced that managers have no grasp of reality
> in the trenches.
> Sitting in the middle of this and having been on both sides of the fence, I am
> continually struck by how little both sides typically actually LISTEN to each
> other. Then these usual communication issues are confounded by the fact that
> the two groups are effectively talking in two separate languages.
> Steve: Blow off some steam, but then take a different tack.  Learn their world
> a bit, and learn to speak their language.
> Want a new wave machine?  Prove to them that the reduction in rework, the
> gains in throughput, etc. translate to real $$$$$$.  This is the only language
> management understands.  And do it in a G_d D_mn Power Point Presentation with
> a overhead in a meeting.
> BTW: Improve Quality? Don't use this as an argument. For all a company's
> posturing and verbiage, quality as driven by management typically only
> improves when the customer is insisting OR it can be tied directly to the
> bottom line in EXTREMELY visible fashion.
> As much as it sucks and it shouldn't be, manufacturing is a game. Learn to
> play the game to your advantage.
> Rob Green
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: [TN] How to run a manufacturing operation....
>Author:  "Stephen R. Gregory" <[log in to unmask]> at smtplink-hadco
>Date:    10/9/99 9:18 PM
>Hi all,
>I suppose I was rather harsh in my last email, but I won't apologize for the
>basic truths. Earl stated it, as I will I, management has a obligation and a
>responsibilty to know (at least), how their factory makes it's living.
>It may not be important that they know all the nitty-gritty details about the
>processes, but it is important that they know the basics about what it takes
>to get certain things get done...guys like me and Earl will take care of the
>What we need is support! When we say that the equipment we have needs to be
>upgraded to handle the business that will be coming, or that the way we
>process our product needs to be changed (involving a change in the way that
>things were done in the past) it's not a egotistical preference, but it's
>something that makes economical sense, and something that will make the job
>easier for everybody...not to mention more profitable.
>I think back to all the jobs that I've held in the past, and why I have left
>those jobs, it's not because of the people I've worked shoulder-to-shoulder
>with (I wish I could've taken a lot of the people with me!), it's been
>because of the management. Because of the management of the organization, we
>were always given an impossible task with the resources that we had, and then
>thoroughly chastised because we didn't make a profit...
>Before you mangement people do that, you had better understand what's going
>on on your manufacturing floor before you wind-up sticking your foot in your
>mouth, or worse, losing the respect of the workforce that you're supposed to
>be managing.
>If I sound frustrated, I am....
>-Steve Gregory-
>P.S. I really hope that some management people read this!! But they'll
>probably blow it off as some rantings from a disgruntled engineer..
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