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July 1999


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"Stephen R. Gregory" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 09:22:24 EDT
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"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
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Hi ya'll!

Well, I'm celebrating an anniversary today...I been here at my new job a
whole week! hehehe... It's been interesting thus far. As my boss told me on
my first day; "Steve, you've got loads of "opportunities" here...his way of
"sugar-coating" things if you catch my drift...hehehe.

One of the opportunities I have is with this semi-aqueous cleaner we have
here. We do both water soluable and RMA chemistries here. Water soluable for
the class-II stuff, and RMA for the military and hi-rel stuff...that's why
the need for the cleaner. The cleaner we have is a Electrovert's my first exposure to this thing, and to be perfectly honest,
I'm not very impressed.

It's basically just a fancy-smancy batch cleaner that I feel was way too
expensive when they bought it (55K from what I understand) and costs an arm
and a leg to run it. We run Kyzen Aquanox now (at $1500-1600 a 55-gallon
barrel), and it seems like it goes through the stuff like I went through beer
when I was unloading my U-Haul last week!

The other engineer here said that they had been using Armakleen in it before,
but there would be a soda bicarbonate residue that would build-up inside the
plumbing of the machine that's pretty abrasive and would cause you to go
through pump seals like crazy! Looking at where the pumps are located inside
this beast, I can definately understand him when he said that replacing the
pump seals is a job that's absolutely the pits.

So I guess my question is, do any of you have one of these machines? What do
you run in it? Is there any tips that you could pass on to this poor soul to
make my life a little easier when dealing with this beast?

As always, thanks in advance ya'll!
(by the way, it's supposed to get up to 106-degrees here in Tulsa

-Steve Gregory-

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