TECHNET Archives

May 1999


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"L-Soft list server at IPC (1.8c)" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 May 1999 08:58:24 -0500
text/plain (275 lines)
Thu, 13 May 1999 08:58:24

You have been  added to the TechNet mailing list  (TechNet E-Mail Forum.)
by Gayatri Sardeshpande <[log in to unmask]>.

Please  save this  message for  future  reference. It  consists of  three
parts: the first part contains instructions  on how to leave the list, as
well as some useful information on different options and commands you can
use to administer  your subscription status; the second  states IPC email
forums rules  and regulations,  and the  third part gives  a list  of all
publicly available IPC email forums with their short descriptions. Please
pay  close attention  to  the  first two  parts,  because  they are  very
important for successful participation in  IPC email forums. Also, saving
a copy of this message (and of all future subscription notices from other
mailing lists) in  a special mail folder will give  you instant access to
the list of mailing lists that you are subscribed to. This may prove very
useful the  next time  you go  on vacation  and need  to leave  the lists
temporarily so as not to fill up your mailbox while you are away.

You can  find all  this and  other information  on the  IPC Home  Page at under "IPC On-Line Services".

*** PART 1: Commands and options ***

To send  a message to all  the people currently subscribed  to the forum,
just send mail to [log in to unmask] This address ([log in to unmask]) is also
called the "list address". You must never try to send any command to that
address,  as  it  would  be  distributed  to  all  the  people  who  have
subscribed.  All  commands  must  be  sent  to  the  "LISTSERV  address",
[log in to unmask]

You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF TechNet" command
to [log in to unmask]  By default,  you will receive  a confirmation
request,  to which  you have  to respond  following instructions  in that

When  you  send a  message  to  the forum,  the  server  responds with  a
confirmation  message, saying  that "your  message was  delivered to  the
forum, etc.", but,  by default, the copy  of your message is  NOT sent to
you. In  other words, when you  send a message  to the forum, you  do not
receive it  back as a posting.  However, you can change  this default for
yourself by setting following options: ACK - A short confirmation message
is  sent to  the  sender of  the  posting (default)  NOACK  - No  posting
acknowledgment is  sent REPRO - You  receive a copy of  your own postings
NOREPRO - You do not receive a  copy of your own postings For example, to
receive both confirmation of the posting  and the posting itself for your
TechNet submission, send  a command: "SET TechNet REPRO"  To receive only
your  posting but  not  the posting  acknowledgment:  "SET TechNet  NOACK

Following  instructions from  the list  owner, your  subscription options
have been  set to "SUBJECTHDR"  rather than the usual  LISTSERV defaults.
For more information  about subscription options, send  a "QUERY TechNet"
command to [log in to unmask]

Contributions  sent to  this  list are  automatically  archived. You  can
access  these archives  on the  web at, or
perform    a   search    through   the    "SEARCH"   command    sent   to
[log in to unmask] This command  allows you to search  a database of
all  previous postings  to the  specified forum.  The syntax  is: "SEARCH
<search  string> IN  TechNet" For  example,  to search  TechNet for  gold
plating, send  the following command:  " SEARCH gold plating  IN TechNet"
Adding  "SINCE  <date>"  after  the  forum  name  will  impose  the  time
constraints on your search, i.e., command "SEARCH gold plating IN TechNet
SINCE 97/01/01" will  search all postings since January  1'st 1997. Also,
you can get  a list of the  available archive files by  sending an "INDEX
TechNet"  command to  [log in to unmask]  You can  then order  these
files with a "GET TechNet  LOGxxxx" command, or using LISTSERV's database
search facilities. Send  an "INFO DATABASE" command  for more information
on the latter.

This list is available in digest and  index forms. If you wish to receive
the digested  version of the  postings, just  issue a SET  TechNet DIGEST
command. To  receive the  indexed version  of the  postings, issue  a SET
TechNet INDEX command.

Please note that  it is presently possible for other  people to determine
that  you are  signed up  to the  list through  the use  of the  "REVIEW"
command,  which  returns   the  e-mail  address  and  name   of  all  the
subscribers. If  you do not  want your name to  be visible, just  issue a
"SET TechNet CONCEAL" command.

More information  on LISTSERV  commands can  be found  on the  IPC E-Mail
Forums  web page  at,  or in  the LISTSERV
reference  card, which  you can  retrieve  by sending  an "INFO  REFCARD"
command to [log in to unmask]

*** PART 2: IPC E-Mail Forum Rules and Regulations ***

IPC e-mail forums are provided  by IPC (The Institute for Interconnecting
and Packaging  Electronic Circuits) as  a free service to  the Electronic
Interconnection Industry.

Submissions  in the  form of  questions  or information  relative to  the
electronic  interconnection industry  are welcome  and encouraged  on IPC
e-mail  forums.  All  other  types   of  submissions,  such  as  personal
information or information that does  not directly relate to the industry
are, though not prohibited, greatly discouraged.

The following rules and guidelines apply to all forums:

As  set  forth  by  IPC's  Board  of  Directors,  job  postings  are  NOT
appropriate on any of the IPC e-mail forums except DesignerCouncil.

Respect other forum  participants. Feel free to express  yourself, but do
not do anything to injure or  harm others. Users are expected to exercise
both common  sense and courtesy  in the  messages they transmit  over the
forum.  Defamatory, obscene,  or other  offensive communications  are not
acceptable forms of communication over the forum, and could lead to legal
liability  for   those  engaging  in  such   improper  communication.  In
particular,  if you  dislike someone  else's  ideas, you  can attack  the
ideas, but not the person.

Do not use our  forum for anything that might be  illegal. This forum may
not be  used to encourage  anything to  do with illegal  drugs, gambling,
pornography, prostitution, child pornography, robbery, spreading computer
viruses, cracking  into private  computer forums,  software infringement,
trafficking in credit card codes, or other crimes.

Do not use  the forum to defame or  disparage a member of the  IPC or any
other person.

Do not use the forum to  communicate with competitors about prices, terms
of  service or  otherwise  communicate  in a  way  that  may violate  the
anti-trust laws. Forum communications  constitute an ongoing "meeting" of
participants;  such  meeting  may  involve competitors;  the  same  rules
against illegal agreements in restraint  of trade which apply at members'
meetings   apply  to   forum   communications.  In   fact,  since   forum
communications may be downloaded without  the knowledge of the sender(s),
users should  be both  fully informed  about the  rules of  antitrust law
regarding communication and agreements among  competitors, and act on the
forum in strict conformity with those rules.

We suggest that discussion of pricing  is not appropriate for our forums.
Requests  for recommendations  of products  or suppliers  are appropriate
when responses are sent to the individual requesting the information, not
to the entire forum.

Do not  upload or  distribute files subject  to trademark,  copyright, or
other proprietary rights except with the  express consent of the owner of
the rights.

*** PART 3: Available IPC Mail Forums Descriptions ***

* TechNet

This peer networking forum can be  used to ask others for technical help,
comments  or   questions  on  IPC  specifications,   or  other  technical
inquiries.  IPC will  also use  TechNet to  announce meetings,  important
technical  issues,  surveys, etc.  As  a  general networking  forum,  any
technical question is fair game.

* Designer Council

This forum provides a means to stay current with the many programs of the
IPC Designers Council, and to  exchange information with other designers.
Got a question  you know another designer can answer  for you? Here's the
place to get  the answers you need today. Over  500 designers participate
in this special IPC Designers Council Forum.

Those  looking   for  information  on  upcoming   IPC  Designers  Council
activities should  subscribe. Information,  comments, and  feedback about
local chapter meetings, new chapters forming, or anything else pertaining
to the  council are all  encouraged. Also, informationabout  national and
local meetings is disseminated.


The  ComplianceNet   forum  covers  environmental,  safety   and  related
regulations or issues.  In addition to giving you a  forum for exchanging
information with your  colleagues and IPC staff,  and getting information
you  need  to  do  your  jobs  today,  IPC  will  provide  the  following
information on ComplianceNet:

Regulatory proposals,  alerts and draft comments  Legislative updates New
regulatory interpretations  (i.e., photoresist skins) Grass  roots action
alerts Compliance assistance

* IPCsm840

This peer  networking forum is  very specific.  Sign on here  to comment,
help or  get help  on issues relating  to "Qualification  and Performance
Specification  of  Permanent  Polymer Coating  (Soldermask)  for  Printed

* ChipNet

This peer  networking forum is  very specific.  Sign on here  to comment,
help or get help on issues relating to ANSI/J-STD-012, "Implementation of
Flip Chip and Chip Scale Technology."

* Roadmap

This  peer-networking forum  is very  specific. [log in to unmask]  provides
opportunity   for   information  exchange   that   facilitatescoordinated
development  of   IPC's  National   Technology  Roadmap   for  Electronic
Interconnections. The biannual effort for global benchmarking is also the
subject of this forum. [log in to unmask] is used to analyze recommendations
for needed research or technology  transfer. Others are encouraged to use
the forum to communicate their  needs/questions. This includes members of
other road mapping teams such as NEMI, SIA and EDAC.

* IPC_New_Releases

Provides   notification  to   subscribers  when   new  and   revised  IPC
publications  are available.  Please note:  This forum  is for  broadcast
only, and  not for posting  messages. The same  subscription instructions

* GenCAM (NEW)

This peer networking forum can be used for comments or questions on IPC's
effort to standardize electronic data transfer strategies (DTS) and other
inquiries regarding transferring files from CAD to CAM. IPC will also use
GenCAM   to   announce   meetings,  important   technical   issues,   new
developments, etc

* TrainerNet (NEW)

This peer networking forum can be used to ask other technical instructors
for  ideas  on   how  to  most  effectively  use   IPC  Training  Videos,
Computer-Based Training, and other products to educate your operators and
inspectors. Ask  questions, post comments,  or use  as a resource  to see
what other trainers are doing.

IPC will  also use  TrainerNet on occasion  to solicit  valuable feedback
from you, the users of this electronic  forum, on how best to develop new
training products  and services. So, give  yourself a voice, and  get the
most out of your training materials from IPC!

* TrainingNews (NEW)

Provides automatic  email notification  of new  and revised  IPC training
products  and services,  free software  fixes on  our interactive  CD-ROM
programs, special purchase  discounts, and other news of  interest to the
training community.  Please note: This  forum is for broadcast  only, and
not for posting messages. The same subscription instructions apply.

Please consult  our home  page at  for this  and other
information. For technical assistance,  please contact Hugo Scaramuzza at
[log in to unmask] (phone: 847-509-9700 ext. 5312)

TechNet E-Mail Forum provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8c
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the body:
To subscribe:   SUBSCRIBE TechNet <your full name>
To unsubscribe:   SIGNOFF TechNet
Please visit IPC's web site ( "On-Line Services" section for additional information.
For technical support contact Hugo Scaramuzza at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.312

TechNet E-Mail Forum provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8c
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the body:
To subscribe:   SUBSCRIBE TechNet <your full name>
To unsubscribe:   SIGNOFF TechNet 
Please visit IPC's web site ( "On-Line Services" section for additional information.
For technical support contact Hugo Scaramuzza at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.312