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February 1999


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Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:13:06 EST
"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
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"Stephen R. Gregory" <[log in to unmask]>
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In a message dated 2/12/99 6:09:46 AM Pacific Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< - Amount of lead used ( in tons ) and possible substitutes and their
 availability >>

Hi Guenter!

     A wealth of up-to-date information about ALL strategic metals is a web
page called the American Metals Market Homepage (
that URL will take you to the text site guide. Another good URL from that site
is ( which takes you to the Metals Profile
Listing which breaks each metal down and catalogs links to sites about each
metal from Aluminum to Zirconium. There's references and reports by the U.S.
Geological Survey on usage by country, state, product etc..Also there's
figures on production by country, and all kinds of links that take you to
whatever has to do with metals... legislation, pending legislation...anything!

Below is 1997's USGS report on lead. It's at that site, but I thought I'd
paste it here so those without web browsing capability can see for themselves
how BIG a part we play in the overall scheme of things when it comes to lead
usage. The numbers speak for themselves...ya'll can decide for yourselves if
we'd make a dent in things if we were to quit using lead today...our usage of
the US total is down around 1/10th of a percent...

-Steve Gregory-

                                                                                                                TABLE 6
                                                                U.S. CONSUMPTION OF LEAD, BY PRODUCT 1/
                                                                                                        (Metric tons)

SIC code                        Product                                                                                                                 1996                                                    1997

                                        Metal products:
3482            Ammunition, shot and bullets                                                                                    52,100                                          55,300

                        Bearing metals:
35              Machinery except electrical                                                                                     W                                                               W
36              Electrical and electronic equipment                                                                     W                                                               W
371             Motor vehicles and equipment 2/                                                                         3,620                                                   1,850
37              Other transportation equipment                                                                          W                                                               W
                        Total bearing metals                                                                                                    4,350                                                   2,490

3351            Brass and bronze, billets and ingots                                                            5,460                                                   4,410
36              Cable covering, power and communication                                                 W                                                               4,930
15              Calking lead, building construction                                                                     767                                                     1,390

Casting metals:
36              Electrical machinery and equipment                                                              W                                                               W
371             Motor vehicles and equipment                                                                            W                                                               W
37                      Other transportation equipment                                                                          4,590                                                   4,240
3443            Nuclear radiation shielding                                                                                     1,240 r/                                                1,750
                        Total casting metals                                                                                                    18,900 r/                                       18,300

Pipes, traps, other extruded products:
15              Building construction                                                                                                   1,810                                                   1,860
3443            Storage tanks, process vessels, etc.                                                            (3/)                                                    (3/)
                        Total pipes, traps, other extruded products                                             1,810                                                   1,860

Sheet lead:
15              Building construction                                                                                                   14,000                                          14,000
3443            Storage tanks, process vessels, etc.                                                            (3/)                                                    (3/)
3693            Medical radiation shielding                                                                                     5,400                                                   5,020
                        Total sheet lead                                                                                                                        19,400                                          19,100

15              Building construction                                                                                                   1,650                                                   1,890
                        Motor vehicles, equipment, metal cans, shipping containers      4,580                                                   W
367             Electronic components and accessories                                                   2,350                                                   1,890
36              Other electrical machinery and equipment                                                        445                                                     W
                        Total solder                                                                                                                            9,020                                                   9,580

Storage batteries:
3691            Storage battery grids, post, etc.                                                                               635,000 r/                                      634,000
3691            Storage battery oxides                                                                                          706,000 r/                                      761,000
                        Total storage batteries                                                                                                         1,340,000 r/                                    1,390,000

371             Terne metal, motor vehicles and equipment                                               (4/)                                                    (4/)
27              Type metal, printing and allied industries                                                      (5/)                                                    (5/)
34              Other metal products 6/                                                                                                 5,220 r/                                                7,570
                        Total metal products                                                                                                    1,460,000 r/                                    1,520,000

Other oxides:
285             Paint                                                                                                                                           W                                                               W
32              Glass and ceramics products                                                                             W                                                               W
28              Other pigments and chemicals                                                                            9,890 r/                                                10,600
                        Total other oxides                                                                                                              62,100                                          67,000

Miscellaneous uses                                                                                                                              13,900                                          8,470
Grand total                                                                                                                                                     1,540,000 r/                                    1,600,000

r/ Revised. W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; included
in appropriate totals.
1/ Data are rounded to three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2/ Includes "Terne metal, motor vehicles and equipment."
3/ Included with "Building construction" to avoid disclosing company
proprietary data.
4/ Included with "Bearing metals, motor vehicles and equipment."
5/ Included with "Other metal products" to avoid disclosing company
proprietary data.
6/ Includes lead consumed in foil, collapsible tubes, annealing, galvanizing,
plating, electrowinning, and fishing weights.

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