June 1998


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Paulo Egon Triebsees <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
DesignerCouncil E-Mail Forum.
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:06:09 -0300
text/plain (2349 bytes) , (15 kB)
Hello Derek,

>Toucan Technology is a small design house that specializes in HDSL
>Modems.   We have just started to Layout our own PCBs and I am
>looking for a good source of layout reference material covering
>the PCB design process from end to end,  along with some material
>on the more vague areas of PCB layout such as Layout for EMC
>compliance and component reliability.
>I would like the names of a few of good books, training programs
>or good web reference material to get us started on the right path.
>We will be using Viewlogic's ViewDraw for schematic entry and PADS
>PowerPCB for PCB layout,  if anyone is using this combination I would
>like to hear about your experiences, both good and bad,  with the
>software, give me a call.

My name is Paulo Egon, and I own a smal pcb design bureau service
specialized in designing modems, having over 9 years experience in this
area. I worked 7 years at Digitel (, Latin America leader
in Data Communications and owner of Transend Modems
( I've designed the Transend 67K and Gemini 112K
modems, and the HDSL modems of Digitel and Parks ( Also,
I've designed the Digitel ADSL modem, both desktop and rack versions. We're
using PCad v8.6 and Protel v2.8 here for pcb design, and also OrCAD SDT and
Capture (Win) for schematic capture. Unfortunately, I don't have experience
with PADS PowerPCB and can't help on this. If you get an overload of modem's
pcb design, ask me a quote, I work at $35/hour, more affordable than most of
US design bureaus, but with great experience in modem pcb design. I don't
advertise my bureau service in my site ( because we're
usually full of jobs, and I'm just opening this exception because we're
specialized in modems.

About EMC compliance, FCC tests, etc. : I would suggest _at least_ two
books, Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance, by Mark
I. Montrose, IEEE Press, and High Speed Digital Design - A Handbook of Black
Magic, Howard W. Johnson and Martin Graham. With this two books you'll get a
good background to make any pcb layout. I'm attaching a HTML page with
several Texas application notes; some of them cover pcb layout
considerations. Also, I would suggest to look the UltraCad
( technical notes.

Best Regards,

Paulo Egon Triebsees
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ICQ 7402196