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May 1998


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TechNet E-Mail Forum.
Fri, 1 May 1998 11:09:14 EDT
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Tom Moore:
- Since you requested opinions, here is my .02 worth to each of your
- Which standard should we train and certify to, A-610 or J-STD-001.   That
sort of depends on what Class of Product you produce.  If you produce Class 1
products then A-610 may serve your purposes.  If you produce Class 2 or Class
3 products then you probably should train to the J-STD-001 for the following
reasons.  J-STD includes: SPC criteria (which you want to go toward), broader
more comprehensive coverage of assembly processes and procedures than A-610
(things your customers will appreciate - like qualification of process, type
of flux, proficiency of personnel, cleaning/cleanliness criteria, etc.).
- Of the approved third party trainers which is the "best" one for the money?
For A-610 training, if cost is a serious consideration, you had best turn to
the inside cover (back page) of the A-610.  Therein are listed the
organizations which provide IPC Class A Instructor Certification Training.
Since all the training organizations are obligated to use the same instructor
guide and same end-of-course test there shouldn't be any difference among them
and the low-bidder should get your attention.  Having said that, I recommend
that you look toward either Soldering Technology International in Madison AL
or the EMPF in Indianapolis IN.  Both:  have been in business a long time, are
recognized world wide as creditable, have on-site demonstration factories
where you can handle/use equipment, and maintain a staff of full-time
professional instructors.  Note that the EMPF was responsible (in-part) for
developing the A-610 training program.  Training for J-STD-001 is another
story.  An IPC sponsored Training/Certification program will not be available
for a few months (probably Aug. or Sept. at a guess).  The IPC is working on
the program now and so-far it looks pretty good.  Contact John Riley, Director
of Training at the IPC (e-mail to: [log in to unmask]).  There are several
training providers who presently offer their own version (not IPC
sponsored/authorized) of training to J-STD-001.  I am not sure who has the
best program, but as close as the IPC J-STD Program is to being in the
classroom I would wait for it if I were you.
- Is the 18 month recertification necessary?  What's the impact of not doing
it?  Again, opinions and uncertainty.  The A-610 program requires 18 month
recertification.  If you advertise that your company is A-610 compliant, or
accept a contract that says you will produce products in accordance with
A-610, then it is probably going to be in your best interest to maintain
recertification for your workforce.  A 4-hour period of recertification of
personnel every 18 months is not extremely expensive.  Your Class A instructor
can go to any of the IPC Certified Training Centers and take a one-day
"challenge" test to achieve recertification at a fairly low cost.   Regarding
recertification to J-STD-001, since the program is not yet frozen you can
probably still influence the recertification period.  At the moment I don't
know what it is supposed to be, probably 18 months.
- Another alternative exists, depending on the self confidence of your
instructor and the needs of your customers.  The IPC has recently completed
"generic" training programs for Instructors and for Operators/Inspectors.  The
training programs are available cost-free to anyone who wants to download them
from the IPC web site.  Just dial into, click on "assembly", click
on "free downloads" and scroll down the list of downloadable files until you
get to the training programs.
- Hope the above helps.  Regards, Jim Moffitt

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