April 1998


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JoAnn Amerson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 10:59:55 +0000
text/plain (55 lines)
I had posted a question here the week before Christmas asking
everyone to help me find out how far away from a mousebite (routed
and drilled) breakaway tab.  I was told to use tof on a board I was
working on but couldn't find a clearance guideline anywhere.  Because
it was the holiday week some of the people I could ask here were out
on vacation. There was nothing in our newly developed standard
regarding this.  I tried getting my answer within the company and
when that didn't work, I reached out to DC.

I got several EXCELLENT responses (accolades to Frank Kimmey and
Bob Vanech!).  I made of copy of the detail, explained the dimensions
I used and presented it to my boss.  WOW!  Did I step on toes!  I had
all kinds of people mad at me for overstepping my bounds and for
reaching outside of the company for information.  Things got rather
unpleasant.  One of guys here hasn't spoken to me since (and, of
course, I'm heartsick - NOT!).  I was told my numbers were
unrealistic.  My suggestion of .085" min from the board edge was
considered waaaay to much.  They were saying between .040" and .050".

About a week later we got some boards from production that were
trashed.  Seem that they break the boards apart by hand and often use
needlenose pliers.  (Yes, you may choke, sputter and guffaw.)  They
ripped up traces and pads and the board was starting to delaminate.
It was tough not to say I told you so.  Actually I did but I did it
with a touch of humor.

Skip ahead to the present....I just spoke with my boss about this
because I hadn't heard anything definite about a clearance.  Seems
they've decided to adopt my .085" min clearance for our standards!

I just had to thank everyone who helped me with this.  If I hadn't
backed up my data with facts from others in the field I'd have been
written off due to my lack of experience.  I feel validated and I
like that!  Many, many kudos to all of you!


JoAnn L. Amerson
Design Librarian
Red Lion Controls, Inc.
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Voice: (717) 767-6961 ext 6308

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