April 1998


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Apr 1998 16:17:40 +0000
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
JoAnn Amerson <[log in to unmask]>
Authenticated sender is <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
> I am trying to find the "best" way to organize our PCB Footprint and
> Schematic Part libraries.  At this time we separate our PCB footprints
> according to the part size(for example: we have a footprint named "0805"
> that we assign to any schematic part that requires an 0805 footprint).
> This, however, can be time consuming when all you have for reference in
> the schematic is my companies part number, which you then must look up
> and check the data sheets to make sure you have the correct footprint
> assigned.  I have seen another method in which every internal part
> number is also assigned a footprint with the same number.  This seems
> like it would make the footprint library huge if every value of an 0805
> resistor or cap would have it's own footprint.

Our libraries are set up first by our company's part number. Each
footprint is identified with a number, e.g. L15005 is an 0805
resistor.  All 0805 resistors in the parts library reference that
number.  We use something similar to IPC's reserved RLP number (now
that I know what that is).  All numbers between L15000 and L15999 are
chip resistors.  (The L preceding the number is a carry-over from the
DOS version of Cadstar.)  An 0805 cap is L14105.  They may use the
same land pattern but the component outline on layer "Top Assembly"
is different.

All I can say is this works for me.  I've been handling the libraries
for four years and I've been fine tuning it for the last four years.
I've been getting a copy of every approved vendor of every part and
keep them filed by RLC (Red Lion Controls) part number.  And I keep
them in a locked filing cabinet.  I don't need people borrowing my
files and then forgetting to return them.  My library system may not
be the best method but it does suit our need.

At this point I have:

1469 part numbers
589 component footprints
347 schematic symbols
91 documentation (misc) symbols

This keeps me busy!  There are times I swear it could be a full time
job - but it would be boring!

Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing weekend!


JoAnn L. Amerson
Design Librarian
Red Lion Controls, Inc.
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Voice: (717) 767-6961 ext 6308

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