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January 1998


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David Bergman <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 10:12:52 -0600
"TechNet Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, David Bergman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (159 lines)
All TechNet subscribers.

Please forward this message on to interested parties.  This is an exciting
opportunity for our industry.  The electronics interconnection industry is part of
the microelectronics manufacturing infrastructure focused program, and thus can avail
itself of significant government funding available for R&D.  Proposed programs are
now being solicited.  A number of public meetings have been scheduled to explain how
the proposal submission process works.


From: "Michael A. Schen" <<[log in to unmask]>



The NIST Advanced Technology Program (ATP) is soliciting proposals under
its focused program competition 98-06, Microelectronics Manufacturing
Infrastructure (MMI), and announces the following additional public
meetings for all interested parties.

Public meetings for potential proposers and other interested parties will
be held on the following newly announced dates and locations.  These
meetings supplement other previously announced ATP MMI public meetings.

<bold>Wednesday, January 21, 1998

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

</bold>     Austin Chariot Inn

     7300 North IH 35

     Austin, TX 78752-2606

     Phone: 800-432-9202

     Adam's Mark Orlando

     1500 Sand Lake Road

     Orlando, FL 32809

     Phone: 407-859-1500

<bold>Thursday, January 22, 1998

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

</bold>     Georgian Terrace Hotel

     659 Peachtree St.

     Atlanta, GA 30308

     Phone: 404-897-1991

<bold>Friday, January 23, 1998

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


     Holiday Inn O'Hare International

     5440 North River Road

     Rosemont, IL 60018

     Phone: 888-642-7344

     Sheraton Bradley Hotel

     1 Bradley International Airport

     Windsor Locks, CT 06096

     Phone: 860-627-5311

<bold>Tuesday, January 28, 1998,

8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

</bold>     Ramada Plaza Hotel

     1600 South 52nd St.

     Tempe, AZ 85281

     Phone: 602-967-6600

These meetings will provide general information regarding the ATP, tips
on preparing good proposals, and will provide an opportunity for
attendees to ask questions. The meetings will also address specific
issues related to the scope, and technical and business goals of the
98-06 focused program.

Multiple locations for the public meetings and briefings are being
offered for the convenience of the public.  Attendance at these public
meetings and briefings is not required. No registration fee will be
charged.  To register for a public meeting or for further information,
contact ATP as noted below.  Please consult
for information about other upcoming MMI public meetings.

A total estimated $82 million in first year funding is available for new awards for
all of the fiscal year 1998 ATP competitions (approximately eight to ten). The actual
number of proposals funded under each competition will depend on the quality of the
proposals received and the amount of funding requested in the highest ranked
proposals. Outyear funding beyond the first year is contingent on the approval of
future Congressional appropriations and satisfactory project performance.

Send ATP comments or questions to [log in to unmask]

Send MMI comments or questions to [log in to unmask]

David W. Bergman CAE
Vice President of Technical Programs
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL  60062-6135
P 847-509-9700 x340
F 847-509-9798
email       [log in to unmask]
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