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April 1997


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from by with smtp (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0wHGSh-000BjKC; Tue, 15 Apr 97 17:12 CDT from by via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/940406.SGI) id RAA17532; Tue, 15 Apr 1997 17:10:45 -0700 from ([]) by (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 15 Apr 1997 16:50:34 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0
From [log in to unmask] Wed Apr 16 10:
14:02 1997
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 16:50:37 -0400
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
"David F. High" <[log in to unmask]>
Mozilla 3.01Gold (Win95; I)
UMass Lowell
text/plain (323 lines)

If you got our wavesolder survey last week, could you please take a few
minutes to fill it out PLEASE!!!
If you are one of the 19 people (out of 1254) who returned our survey,
THANK YOU SO MUCH, but could the rest of you give us a hand?

We are two University of Massachusetts Lowell Mechanical Engineering
seniors conducting a study concerning mixed technology wave-soldering at
a $1.4 billion annual revenue Boston, MA company, and we are gathering
industry data on how the wave-solder process is conducted.

We are sending this survey to over 1250 SMT professionals or related
professionals.  We would appreciate your input and response.  Answer
what you can, but please don't put off returning the survey.  If you
don't have the exact answer to a question, just respond "N/A", and
continue on.  

survey results.
If you wish your company's name to be included in the list of
participating companies, please include it at the end of the survey.  No
individual names will be used in the survey results.  If you would like
a copy of the survey results, include your e-mail address at the end of
the survey questionnaire.  If you have no experience with
wave-soldering, please pass the survey on (e-mail forward) to someone in
your organization who might.

To participate, just cut and paste the section below the dashed line to
your word processor, briefly respond to the questions, and then e-mail
the completed survey to:

[log in to unmask]


Please e-mail the completed survey to:
[log in to unmask]

PART 1)  About your Company.
Annual revenues:
Number of employees:
Your company's core business:
How large a percentage of your company's activity is SMT?
Does your company 
        -make its own Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA's)?
        -populate its own Printed Circuit Boards (PCB's)?
        -design its own PCA's?
        -contract out the design?
        -contract out the manufacturing of the PCA?
        -contract out the entire process?
        -contract design?
-or contract manufacture?
-consult?  What area of expertise?
Would you consider your company as environmentally aware?

PART 2)  About you.
Your title:
Your major responsibilities:
Number of years experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT)?
Number of years experience with wave-solder?
What do you like about wave-soldering?
What do you dislike about wave-soldering?

PART 3)  About your wave-solder machine.
Make of machine:
Year manufactured:
Preset board profiles?
Number of lower pre-heaters:
Size of lower pre-heaters:
Type of lower pre-heaters:
Number of upper pre-heaters:
Size of upper pre-heaters:
Type of upper pre-heaters:
Conveyor inclination variable?
Number and Type of solder pots?
Do you use Hot Air Solder Leveling (HASL)?
Do you use Organic Soldering Preservatives (OSP)? 
Do you use other types?

PART 4)  About your wave-soldered products.
What kind of volume do you handle (boards per day)?
How many of you are there working on wavesoldering?
Are all your PCA's also reflowed?
What percentage of your wavesoldered PCA's have bottom-side SMT

Design Issues-
What brand of software do the designers use?
Does it consider manufacturing issues?
Are your PCB's designed specifically for the wave solder process?
Does the process engineer/technician interface with the designer?
Does the software your designers use specifically address soldering
concerns (i.e. FEA thermal analysis)?
Do the soldering thermal requirements of the wave-soldered components
get checked with manufacturer's specs?
Do the circuit designers check with the process engineer to see if their
will be wave-soldering thermal problems?
Is design for manufacture (DFM) part of your design process?
Is design for testability (DFT) part of your design process?
Is design for reliability (DFR) part of your design process?
Thieving pads used?
2/3 width pads?
Minimum spacing to avoid shadowing?
2/3 leg profile?
Other "tricks" to help with wavesoldering?

Component Issues-
Please indicate the following surface mount devices (SMD's) that you use
that actually come in contact with the solder wave, and min/max sizes:
Resistor chip.
Ceramic capacitor.
Tantalum capacitor.
How closely do you work with component manufacturers?
What issues?
Which manufacturers do you prefer?  Why?
Which do you avoid?  Why?
Are there component brands you will not use?  Why?

Mechanical issues-
Do you inspect
        -microscopically for joint profiles?
        -automatically?  How?
Do you have solder joint failures?

Manufacturing issues--
Much rework?
How do you determine what your wave-solder parameters will be for a
particular board?
The major factor in determining the wave-solder parameter of a
particular board is-
        -appearance of soldered connections of first few boards of a new
How do you determine if a particular PCA will need to be mechanically
masked to protect its bottom side SMT components from the heat of the
solder wave?

Reliability issues--
What is the average life of your product?
Do you use any SPC?
Do you have significant wave-solder-related returns?
Do you have a failure database?
Do you have any rework/repair data or field repair data that indicates
early failure of components due to wave-solder parameters (i.e. thermal
shock, excessive thermal exposure)?
If so, could you explain the situation?

PART 5)  About your wave-solder process.

How do you determine the process parameters for a given PCA?
        -trial and error?
        -test design prototypes?
        -predict in design phase what parameters will be?
Could you briefly describe how the wavesolder parameters are determined
for a given PCA
Do you mechanically mask (reusable thermal barrier) any boards?
Why or why not?
If no mechanical masking is used to avoid thermal problems with the SMT
components, how do you assure yourself that the components are being
wave-soldered according to manufacturers' recommendations?
Is reliability an issue?
Has your company done any reliability studies?  
What type?
Do you consider the effort and results useful?
What is the major problem you see with your process?
Do you ever use solder pre-forms (or other means) to solder PTH
components in re-flow?
Is this a trend?
What type of solder do you use?
What type of flux do you use?  Why?

PART 6)  The Future.
What do you see as the future of SMT?
Do you see wave-soldering retaining its place in PCA manufacturing?
Or do you think wave-soldering will be done away with entirely?
Why or why not?
Would you like to see design software makers incorporate more process
consideration into their software?

Please fill free to add on your email address below if you'd like a copy
of the survey results.PART 1)  About your Company.
Annual revenues:
Number of employees:
Your company's core business:
How large a percentage of your company's activity is SMT?
Does your company 
        -make its own Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA's)?
        -populate its own Printed Circuit Boards (PCB's)?
        -design its own PCA's?
        -contract out the design?
        -contract out the manufacturing of the PCA?
        -contract out the entire process?

PART 2)  About you.
Your title:
Your major responsibilities:
Number of years experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT)?
Number of years experience with wave-solder?
What do you like about wave-soldering?
What do you dislike about wave-soldering?

PART 3)  About your wave-solder machine.
Make of machine:
Year manufactured:
Preset board profiles?
Number of lower pre-heaters:
Size of lower pre-heaters:
Type of lower pre-heaters:
Number of upper pre-heaters:
Size of upper pre-heaters:
Type of upper pre-heaters:
Conveyor inclination variable?
Number and Type of solder pots?
Do you use Hot Air Solder Leveling (HASL)?
Do you use Organic Soldering Preservatives (OSP)? 
Do you use other types?

PART 4)  About your wave-soldered products.
What kind of volume do you handle (boards per day)?

Design Issues-
Are your PCB's designed specifically for the wave solder process?
Does the process engineer/technician interface with the designer?
Does the software your designers use specifically address soldering
concerns (i.e. FEA thermal analysis)?
Do the soldering thermal requirements of the wave-soldered components
get checked with manufacturer's specs?
Do the circuit designers check with the process engineer to see if their
will be wave-soldering thermal problems?
Is DFM part of your design process?
Is DFT part of your design process?
Thieving pads used?
2/3 width pads?
Minimum spacing to avoid shadowing?
2/3 leg profile?

Component Issues-
Please "x" the following SMT components that you use that actually come
in contact with the solder wave:
Resistor chip.
Ceramic capacitor.
Tantalum capacitor.

Mechanical issues-
Do you inspect
        -microscopically for joint profiles?
        -automatically?  How?

Manufacturing issues--
Much rework?
How do you determine what your wave-solder parameters will be for a
particular board?
The major factor in determining the wave-solder parameters of a
particular board is-
        -appearance of soldered connections of first few boards of a new
        -microsectioning examination of soldered connections?
        -other type of inspection?
How do you determine if a particular PCA will need to be mechanically
masked to protect its bottom side SMT components from the heat of the
solder wave?

Reliability issues--
What is the average life of your product?
Do you use any SPC?
Do you have significant wave-solder-related returns?
Do you have a failure database?
Do you have any rework/repair data or field repair data that indicates
early failure of components due to wave-solder parameters (i.e. thermal
shock, excessive thermal exposure)?
If so, could you explain the situation?

PART 5)  About your wave-solder process.
Do you mechanically mask (reusable thermal barrier) any boards?
Why or why not?
If no mechanical masking is used to avoid thermal problems with the SMT
components, how do you assure yourself that the components are being
wave-soldered according to manufacturers' recommendations?
Is reliability an issue?
Has your company done any reliability studies?  
What type?
Do you consider the effort and results useful?
What is the major problem you see with your process?
Do you ever use solder pre-forms (or other means) to solder PTH
components in re-flow?
Is this a trend?
What type of flux do you use?

PART 6)  The Future.
What do you see as the future of SMT?
Do you see wave-soldering retaining its place in PCA manufacturing?
Or do you think wave-soldering will be done away with entirely?
Why or why not?

Please fill free to add on your email address below if you'd like a copy
of the survey results.