The following question is one that was provided by designers for
the "A" basic level exam. It is NOT included in the final
published test and is for reference only. The topic is Copper
Clad Laminate.
128 Copper thickness is defined in ounces based on the weight of
a square foot of foil material. What is the thickness of one
ounce copper?
A. .009 mm [.0004"]
B. .017 mm [.0007"]
C. .025 mm [.0010"]
D. .035 mm [.0014"]
E. .050 mm [.0020"]
F. .070 mm [.0028"]
G. .075 mm [.0030"]
select the most correct answer
Pervious QOD
127 What is the total resistance of three resistors connected
in series?
B. 300 ohms
Resource: IPC-T-50 Specific Terms, Basic Electronics Handbook
Please send comments, constructive critique, or suggestions
to Lisa Williams at [log in to unmask]
Dieter Bergman