you could try Sourcelink of course.
Here is the list from PC Design Magazine for Cadence User groups.
Greater Boston Cadence User Group
David Catino, Prodesign Corp.
300 Billerica Rd. Chelmsford MA 01824 508-250-1811
[log in to unmask]
Rocky Mountain Cadence users group
David Kelly, Insight Design Solutions Inc.
10579 Bradford Rd.
Littleton, CO. 80127
[log in to unmask]
Mid-Atlantic Cadence Users Group
Katherine Krenn, E-Systems Inc., Melpar Division
7700 Arlington Blvd. Falls Church, VA. 22046
703-560-5000 x 2610
703-280-4627 (FAX)
[log in to unmask]
Hope this helps.
Karl Bates