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[log in to unmask] (Charles Elliott)
Wed, 6 Nov 96 11:45:15 EST
text/plain (116 lines)
The recommendation stems from the Universal BGA/DCA Consortium.
The consortium is a two year effort to characterize processes and
investigate issues related to the attachment yields and attachment
reliability of BGA type components.

Your specific process may not require capping of vias.
This type of recommendation is general in nature.

Charles Elliott
LSI Logic 
[log in to unmask]

> RE>Capping vias for BGA's                    11/6/96
> Who recommends this?
> We've never capped our BGA vias (either side) and haven't had any problem=
> s.
> Regards,
> Greg Bartlett
> Mercury Computer Systems
> Chelmsford, MA
> [log in to unmask]
> --------------------------------------
> Date: 11/6/96 9:21 AM
> To: Greg Bartlett
> From: Charles Elliott
> Hello,
> My questions has to do with the capping of vias for BGA's.
> Why is it recommended that vias be covered on the component side of
> BGA boards ?
> What are the implications of not following this recommendation ?
> Thanks in advance for your input.
> Charles Elliott
> [log in to unmask]
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> Subject: Capping vias for BGA's
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