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by (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0vXDf0-0000XKC; Mon, 9 Dec 96 15:54 CST
Mon, 09 Dec 96 12:26:50
TechNet-request [log in to unmask]
From [log in to unmask] Mon Dec 9 16:
18:48 1996
<[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/8365
text/plain (166 lines)

     Here's all ya' need to know about double-sided SMT. First I'll address each 
     of yer' queries, and then throw my own two-cents in.
>> When there is a need to solder SMT components on both sides of PCB, I 
>> understand that 2 approaches are taken generally.

     Yeah, there's two approaches...
>> i) use low temp. solder paste on one side and high temp solder on the    
>>    other

     Well, I guess ya' could do that, but be prepared to pay some "dinero" 
     for your solder paste. The two common metals I've heard of to alloy and 
     lower the melting point of solder is bismuth, and indium...but it's BIG 
     BUCKS! I thought about it one time quite a while back on a very, dense 
     7" X 10" board that we were building. I weighed a bare board, printed 
     one side with paste and weighed it again to get an idea of how much 
     paste I was laying down per board, checked into how much a paste with 
     indium was going to cost, and it worked-out to about $30.00 a board! 
     Whoa Nellie! Too rich for my blood! I've since learned it's not really 
     necessary to go and buy weird solder paste to do that...just do a 
     double-sided reflow

>> ii) use conductive adhesive on one side and solder on the other side

     I don't think you mean conductive adhesive, unless there's something 
     out there I haven't heard of yet. I recall somebody working on "Z-axis" 
     conductive adhesives to replace solder paste a few years back, but you 
     also needed some pressure along with heat to cure it and get a good 
     electrical connection. I think what you mean is using some sort of  
     epoxy adhesive (thermal or Ultraviolet cure) to secure the bottomside 
     components in position, and then wave solder them along with the 
>> My question are:
>> 1) Which one is more popular in practice?

      Epoxy bottomside, then wave.

>> 2) What are the pros and cons for the two methods?

      Double-sided reflow is the way to go if the board has very minimal 
      through-hole that needs to be waved, it's one less process step (no 

>> 3) For i), what are the melting points for the 2 kinds of solder  

      Here, I'll give ya' a few melting points fer' different alloys:

      1. 63% tin/37% lead (most commonly used) 
         Solidus  = 183?C
         Liquidous= 183?C

      2. 60% tin/40% lead
         Solidus  = 183?C
         Liquidous= 189?C

      3. 62% tin/36% lead/2% silver(shiny joints soldering to gold)
         Solidus  = 179?C
         Liquidous= 179?C

      4. 43% tin/43% lead/14% bismuth
         Solidus  = 144?C
         Liquidous= 163?C

      5. 52% indium/48% tin
         Solidus  = 118?C
         Liquidous= 118?C

      6. 42% tin/58% bismuth
         Solidus  = 138?C
         Liquidous= 138?C

>> 4) What are the precautions/possible defects one should bear in    

      Well, that's a pretty wide-open I'll give some 
      pretty general comments. The design of the assembly is going to 
      be what dictates the method you use for attaching the bottomside
      SMT components. Like I said earlier, normally a double-sided 
      reflow is used when through-hole is very, very minimal. BUT, I 
      have used a double-sided reflow EVEN if the board is waved 
      because there's been a crappy job done on the layout on the 
      bottom of the board that the components weren't oriented to 
      wave well. I've printed solder to make sure I can get some decent 
      fillets, and dispense the epoxy so I don't lose the parts in the 
      wave. Other than that, standard wave soldering rules apply. 
      Double sided reflow works great provided IPC design guidelines 
      have been followed somewhat as far as component footprints and 
      geometry's are comcerned. The solder's surface tension when it is 
      liquidous holds all but the heaviest components on the bottom 
      just as long as you don't "bow" the board during its trip down 
      thru the reflow oven, or have a oven conveyer belt that jerks and 

      As far as all those strange alloys, in 9-years of assembly, I've 
      never used anything but tin, lead, and silver in my solder paste. 
      Not just because of the cost, but also because of the resulting 
      solder joint properties and appearance. Bismuth and Indium added 
      to tin or lead will reduce both the shear and tensil strength of 
      the joint, plus the solder joint looks like doo-doo compared to a 
      tin/lead/silver'll be real dull and gray looking. 

>> 5) Can I use the same operating procedures for making 2 sided BGA assembly?

      "Holy Solderbridge Batman! Double-sided BGA? MAN! I'm Sorry to say I don't
       have any experience with that yet!" (Thank goodness!!)
>> Any literature that may describe the above issues?

      Of course! The IPC manuals are a good start...(See that IPC? Now when do I
      get my commisions? Ha!Ha!Ha!) But here's a few others:

      "SMT Design Rules and Standards" by James Blankenhorn
      "Mechanics of Solder Alloy Interconnects" by Darrel Frear/Harold Morgan/  
       and Steven Burchettt

      "Guide to Reflow Soldering and Temperature Profiling" by James Blankenhorn

      "Mastering SMT Manufacturing" by Michael Brisky (used to be my old boss)

      These books and others can be obtained from SMT Plus Inc. (408) 438-6116
      ask for Jim ([log in to unmask]). You can also get a wealth of info from any
      one of the trade magazines that are out there...SMT, Printed Circuit     
           Assembly, etc...                        
               .  / ^  _ \  .
               |\| (o)(o) |/|
     #        Steve Gregory          #
     #  [log in to unmask]    #
     #                               #
               .oooO  (   )
               (   )   ) /
                \ (   (_/
     Before I forget, GOOD LUCK!

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