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<[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/6890
From [log in to unmask] Tue Oct 15 13:
31:53 1996
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 09:13:35 -0700
TechNet-request [log in to unmask]
NETCOMplete v3.0, from NETCOM On-Line Communications, Inc.
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RE> Current Carrying Capacity

Through the "Designers Council", last week,  Davis Benjamin <[log in to unmask]>, inquired about 
a mathematical model for the current carrying capacity of printed board conductive patterns.  Then 
Leonard Bendikeen <[log in to unmask]> inquired about the IPC's-D-275 thermal rise above 
ambient -vs- current charts and commented they came from the MIL-STD-275, and expressed 
concern about trying to duplicate the measurements and data.  Lastly, Doug McKean 
<[log in to unmask]> sent an "off technet" e-mail to me remembering I had posted a 
previous comment on current-carrying capacity and expressed some concerns about the existing 
tables/charts, and to re-stimulate what is one of my concerns and is somewhat a high-interest-button.

In my files, back in April 8-11, 1996 time frame some questions were raised on technet concerning 
"fusing current" and "current carrying capability" of printed board conductive patterns.  These 
are/should be available from the IPC's technet archives.

In summary, to the best of my knowledge, (with one exception) I've never seen a mathematical 
model of the "thermal-rise above ambient temperature" for the current carrying capacity of printed 
board conductive patterns.  Leonard was right in his comment in that it is difficult and labor intensive 
to perform all of the dimensional measurements.  What adds to the problem is that with low cross-
sectional area (width/thickness) ration conductive patterns the conductor width tolerance has a more 
significant effect on cross-sectional area that thickness.  In contrast, high cross-sectional area "wide" 
conductive patterns (such as power/ground conductors and planes), the thickness has more of an 
influence on conductor resistance.

The following is a copy of some of the stuff that was presented in the  April 8-11, 1996 response on 

Current carrying capacity of conductors for printed boards.  Several decades ago, (to my 
remembrance) the US's NBS (National Bureau of Standards) conducted some of the first documents 
current carrying capacity and thermal rise above ambient tests for UL.  The results of this testing and 
subsequent testing has resulted in the current-carrying capacity -vs- thermal rise above ambient in the 
two main design standards, the old MIL-STD-275, and IPC's D-275, Table 3-4.  The original 
NBS/UL studies used a test procedure and test specimens much like IPC-TM-650, Method  
Memory seems to recall though that the first tests were performed with the test conductors 
horizontally, but the test printed board was "hung" vertically.  Then in the second set of testing (and I 
believe all subsequent testing to date), the test printed board was suspended horizontally with the test 
conductor located on the lower side.  The reason for the change was that with vertical mounting of 
the printed board there was preferential convective cooling of the test specimen that was not a worst-
case like condition of an in-use horizontally mounted printed board.  Care must be exercised in 
looking at the test data and results because most have used 0.8 mm [0.03 inch] and others have used 
1.5 mm [0.06 inch] thick base materials.  CAUTION must also be used when you use the tables 
they do not include any polymeric coatings over the conductive patterns (such as solder resist).

IMO, the key to understanding the IPC-D-275, Table 3-4 current-carrying
capacity -vs- thermal rise, like most of the other tables, is to realize the
table is the result of "avg" test data, and that many of the "tables" are a
redraw of a redraw of a redraw.  I've collected about a dozen variations of a Table 3-4 like table, 
they're all similar, but each illustrator has taken some liberty by "cleaning up the drawing" in the 
redraw.  Aside from this, at home on my own is I've collected all of the raw test data that I've been 
able to find from both published articles and personal correspondence,  I've also back-digitize all of 
the tables I've got, then all of this has been entered into a spread sheet data base, now I'm in the 
process of overlaying the heat transfer modeling for conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer 
functions and develop a best reasonable set of coefficients and factors for a best curve fit.  I'm also 
attempting to include the effects of solder resist.  The goal is to have something based on physics and 
correlation to test data, and not redrawing the drawings for publishing clarity.  And yes, I've been 
derelict in my duties to comment on some IPC documents, I've observed most tables contain a 
unique physical capability --- (;-)  (;-) (the smilies are to indicate the following is presented in jest, 
though serious, and not to tweak too many of you off at me) both Table 3-4a and 4c have a unique 
electrical capability.  Look at the origin and you will note that with one exception you can have 
current flow of up to 250 mA with a conductor of 0 (zero) cross-sectional area.  Now that's one 
heck of a current source -- I wish I had one that worked that way.  (;-) (;-)

In theory, the "power density per unit area and thermal rise above ambient" should be a constant.  
Also in theory, if you double the current and quadruple the cross sectional area (the ol' electrical 
power I squared R power law) the power density and thermal rise should be a constant.  However 
it's not, and IMO is because the additional heat and area changes the thermal (heat transfer) 
characteristics (coefficients).  At work, we have found it is a reasonable approximation for you to 
extend the slope of the tables thermal rise above ambient.  We've done this for surface conductors 
limited to 20 degrees C above ambient and currents up to 50 Adc, though you need to verify it for 
your application.

End of the April 8-11 response, the following are some "new" comments/thoughts.

To the best of my knowledge, all of the existing published charts are based on quantitative electrical 
tests performed on test specimens and the thermal rise is calculated from the conductor's electrical 
resistance at various current flows.  The "charts" are made to look like "graphs" by using a "french 
curve" to "best fit" the lines between and beyond the data points to make it look-like a graph;  in 
many cases, the data points have been removed to make the chart "look-like" a graph.  We can't 
knock the rock too hard though because the charts/graphs have been working very well for several 
decades with very few problems.

In a past life, we had many applications where we need to extend the existing thermal rise charts 
beyond their published ranges.  A review of existing journals revealed the IPC/MIL-STD were the 
basis of most charts.  Some industrial companies had developed their own (proprietary) set of 
requirements.  Several studies have been reported and there is some variation in reported data 
between the various studies,  which seems to be due to differences in the test specimen and the test 

Back in August, I FAX'd to the IPC's technical staff personnel 9 pages some concerns, examples 
and suggested solutions I had about the Table 3-4 in D-275.  In addition, I supplied comparisons 
with other charts for consideration in the revision of the D-275 to the 2221 design document.  The 
big problem I had with Table 3-4a is that at the origin you can have electrical current flow with "0" 
(zero) cross-sectional area for conductor thermal rises greater than 20 degrees C - IMO that defies 
the rules of physics and mother nature.  Close examination of Table 3-4a  reveals that on the 10 
degree C curve, there is a "hump" in the curve between about 30-to-200 sq. mils. conductor cross-
sectional area.  (IMO, the one in MIL-STD-275D is better, it converges to the origin and the "slope" 
of the charting is more uniform.)

The following highlights some of the concerns, observations I've made, and data I've collected.  
Once again, up-front,  I'll apologize about the length of this response, it's not a simple 
problem/subject, but it should bring us up to date on the historical (or hysterical  (;-} ) background 
and concerns about the graphs.  More importantly though, the following is to stimulate interest in our 
industry to develop a published set of mathematical models for "reasonably" predicting the thermal 
rise above ambient for printed board conductors. 

Back in the infancy of printed boards, (possibly even before the IPC) current-carrying capacity of 
printed board conductive patterns was a design, functional and reliability concern.  Designs were 
mostly "single-sided" and later "double-sided" printed boards.  Conductors were relatively large, and 
electrical currents (for radio/television tube filament currents) were fairly high (100's of milliamperes).  
In the mid- to late-'50's, the some of the first publishing of thermal-rise above ambient -vs- current 
carrying capacity was published.  The "How to Design and Specify Printed Circuits" book, published 
by the IPC in '57 on page 35.  The chart in this book has been re-drawn by "re-scaling" the ordinate 
or abscissa axes and used in many subsequent books, standards and specifications.  The first 
"complete" set of data and description of the test specimen I've located is in the "original" revision of 
the EIA's RS-251, October 1961, "Test to Determine Temperature Rise as a Function of Current in 
Printed Conductors".

The EIA's RS-251 Thermal Rise Test -

The test specimen is described as  a 1.6 mm (0.0625 inch) thick XXXP-26 (paper phenolic) 70 
micrometer (2 oz./sq.ft.) thick copper conductive patterns.  The conductor widths are 0.635 mm 
(0.025 inch), 1.27 mm (0.050 inch),1.905 mm (0.075 inch), and 2.54 mm (0.100 inch).  The test 
printed board test specimen is ~142 mm (5.6 inches) "high" by ~366 mm (14.4 inches) "wide".  The 
following is an attempted sketch of the test specimen:

|-------------------- top edge of the board ---------------------|
25.4 mm (1 inch) edge-to-conductor center line
30.48 mm (1.2 inch) conductor center-line spacing 3 places


25.4 mm (1 inch) edge-to-conductor center line 
|------------------ bottom edge of the board -------------------|

The "O's" represent the lands for the attachment of the current source wiring.
The "T's" represent a "T" tap for the attachment of the voltmeter connections.
The distance from the left and right edges of the board to the "O's" is 30.48 mm (1.2 inches).  The 
centerline spacing between the lands ("O's") and the "T" taps is ~75 mm (3 inches).  The centerline 
spacing between the "T" taps is ~150 mm (6 inches).
The one conductor is tested at a time, a low current (~100 mA) was used for a "short" time in order 
to determine the "ambient" electrical resistance.  Three levels of electrical current were used to 
determine thermal rise for the 0.635 mm wide conductor, 7 levels of current were used for the 1.27 
mm wide conductor, and 6 levels of current were used for the remaining conductor widths.  In the  
EIA's Figure 2, the thermal rise above ambient was calculated and limited to be less than 60 degrees 
C.  The 1.27 mm wide conductor was calculated to be about 72 degrees C and the 1.905 mm wide 
conductor was calculate to be about 78 degrees C above ambient.

Comment - as mentioned before, I heard comments this testing was conducted by the USA's NBS 
(now NIST).  I also have heard comments that the thermal rise above ambient data for printed board 
conductive patterns was obtained through the wire/cable organizations - don't know.

Other Info -----

The exception to mathematical modeling was  "Current Carrying Capacity of Fine-Line Printed 
Conductors", by A. J. Rainal, was published in "The Bell System Technical Journal", Sept 1981.  
This some what mathematically modeling was for specific printed board configurations and does not 
seem to be a "universal" model for general use (though it's good information).

Charlie Jennings, (now retired from Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque) was an IPC Task 
Group Chairperson, and conducted a study on the "Electrical Properties of Printed Wiring Boards".  
His technical paper is available through the IPC as IPC-TP-117, and was presented at the IPC's 
meeting in September 1976.  I contacted Charlie a few months ago and he was graciously able to 
supply me with some of the test data that was not published in the report from his files.  In this test 
program, they used a different test specimen (not the EIA's).   The conductor lengths were about 25 
and 51 mm long and the conductor spacing was 4.4 mm.

As mentioned in the report, the results are somewhat lower that previously published test data, this is 
presented in Figure 16 of TP-117.  For the same conductor width (1.27 mm) and current (4 Adc),  
the thermal rise above ambient for Weick and Nobel is about 12-14 degrees C, for MIL-STD-275 
and IEC-326 it's about 6 degrees C, and for TP-117 it's about 4 degrees C for the 51 mm long 
conductor and about 3 degrees C for the 25 mm long conductive pattern.  This is shown in a chart as  
Figure 21 of TP-117.  Comment -  I suspect the "thermal loading" of the test conductors due to the 
proximity of the lands in the design of the test specimen.. 

Charlie references a couple of papers that could be of interest, R. P. Nobel, "Temperature Rise vs 
Current Rise of Etched Wiring Lines", Elect. Mfg. July 1957.  Another one is W. Weick, "Measuring 
Printed Circuits Current Carrying Capacity", Western Electric Engr., 5, pp 39-41 (1961).  A third on 
of interest might be M. E Friar and R. H. McClurg, "Printed Circuit Conductor Widths for High 
Current Applications", Int. Electronic Circuit Packaging Symposium, 9'th  Symposium Paper 6/2, 10 
pages, August 1962.  (I suspect though these are based on "lab tests" and data plots).

(If any of you know where I could obtain copies of there reports it would be appreciated, Ralph)

Ralph's Technical Concerns --

First - they've been working for years with little/no problem - so why rock the boat????

As previously mentioned, the test data is based on a "single-sided" conductive pattern that is 
horizontally oriented,  on a test specimen that is "hung" (vertically suspended) in a "suitable" test 
chamber to limit circulating room air currents.

Cooling Mechanism - the intended cooling mechanism is "natural" convective air flow.  Most of the 
conductor's heat will be transferred to air by either laminar (or at higher temperatures turbulent) air 
flow.  (IMO most probably all heat transfer is laminar near the conductors.)    If it were pure "free" 
natural convective cooling, then the traditional thermal design equations for free  convective air heat 
transfer would match the printed board conductor thermal-rise above ambient charts --- they don't.  
The general convective heat transfer equation is in the form of:

		q = k As-f dT^n

Where q is the quantity of heat (electrically Watts),
k is a constant to reflect units of measure and other stuff
As-f is the effective area of the conductor's surface-to-fluid (air in our case)
dT^n is the differential temperature raised to some power "n" which is the thermal transfer coefficient 
from a solid (the conductor) to a fluid (air).  "Generally" for "free air" this "n" coefficient is about 

The various "free air" coefficients are based not on a relatively small conductor on an large insulator 
(electrical and thermal), rather they are based on some form/shape of a large "metal" fin that has "free 
air" circulation from the bottom edge around both sides and converging at the top --- this is not out 
general printed board.  In addition, the "test specimens" do not have heat generating components 
mounted on the assembly.  In addition, many printed boards (and their assemblies) are mounted 
horizontally and the heat transfer coefficients between a "bottom mounted" heat source and a "top 
mounted" heat source are quite different.  In other words, our "conductor thermal-rise above ambient 
temperature for conductor width and current density" isn't to representative of the product's 
application requirements --- but I've been reminded (several times) "it been working with little/no 

So What's Ralph Been Doing???---

After analyzing and reviewing "the problem" I decided my first contribution would be to identify a set 
of mathematical equations that would "duplicate" the existing Tables/Figures/Charts.  I took all of the 
published charts I could locate and "blew them up" (photographically enlarges them) until the ordinate 
and abscissa axis were respectively about 8.5 by 11 inches.  The next step was to "digitize" by 
interpretative scaling  the cross-sectional area and current axes in a uniform 1,2 and 5 sequence for 
each axis.  Personal Comment - let me tell you, when you try to scale and digitize what looks like log 
scales - are you going to be in for an eye-opener.  Some sections of the chart axis are log, some are 
semi-log, some section are almost linear ---- all on the same axis - what a mess.  The next step was 
to dump the "digitized" data into a spread sheet for each thermal-rise above ambient to graph current 
as a function of cross-sectional area.  Up to 5 different (sources) of digitized (interpolated) data from 
the charts was compared to identify the "grossness" of the deviations.  Review of the data suggested 
the MIL-STD-275 has more consistent.  The spread of the other chart's data was inconsistent (some 
were greater in value and others were less), so the MIL-STD was used as the base line.  Current 
(non-electrical) status: -----  a series of "free air" equations, with appropriate coefficients have been 
developed that will reproduce the MIL-STD-275 (and the IPC's-D-275 Table 3-4a) with a "worst-
case" of  less than a 5% deviation in current over the existing MIL-STD  "charted" values. In a 
couple of cases, I've biased the deviation in the direction of being conservative (reduced risk and 
current) for the particular thermal rise because adjusting the "k" or "n" coefficients wouldn't "curve" 
match - so I took the conservative (safer way).

So, I'll try to "clean-up" by re-checking the interpolated data, re-check the equations that will graph 
the MIL-STD chart to with 3-5% to technet and provide them to the IPC for consideration for 
inclusion in their design standards. I'll try to get this done no later than early this Saturday so it'll be 
out prior to leaving for the IPC's meeting next week.

So I'll close for now, get back to work to compete my IOU's.

Ralph Hersey
Ralph Hersey & Associates
Phone/FAX: 510.454.9805
email: [log in to unmask]

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