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by (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0uGnDO-0000CZC; Tue, 7 May 96 08:54 CDT
92 Text
Tue, 07 May 96 09:56:34 CST
TechNet-request [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/3875
From [log in to unmask] Wed May 15 16:
37:57 1996
text/plain (95 lines)
     Might I suggest the following:
     First -   I agree that outright "advertising" should not be done.
               This is a "free" medium to be used only for the purposes
               of information exchange pertaining to IPC issues.  I can
               already see the marketing types drooling over using
               (clogging) a "free" medium to advertise their wares.
     Second -  Our friends at IPC who run this "free" medium are already
               overworked as are lots of other folks in the IPC world.
               We can't afford to have our folks a IPC "filtering" out crap
               like this on top of what they already do.  This will only
               drive up their workload and (worstcase) make it impossible
               to run the Nets efficiently, or even to run it at all.
     So here's my two cents:  to those marketing types out there, get your 
     own Net and call it:     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: ADMIN: Sales postings / Advertisements
Author:  [log in to unmask] at internet-mail
Date:    5/7/96 8:39 AM

This is the second time this individual has used technet to sell his goods. 
I am willing to boycott any supplier who posts UNSOLICITED ads to the net. 
How about you?  Do others share my negitive bias towards ads here?
Please let me know when this guy buys a sales booth at a trade show.  I 
want to set-up a evangelistic, aggressive, convert seeking, come to {Allah, 
Jesus, Buddha, Joseph Smith, fill in your favorite here} revival booth 
right next to his.  :-o  Perhaps then he would know how I feel about his 
Don't get me wrong.  If someone posted a question like "Can anyone do 
conversions to AutoCAD?" then his posting would have been great.  Of 
course, from MY sales booth I would respond, "No, but we can do conversions 
to Jehovah's Witnesses"  ;-)
(I apologize to any who are offended by my use of religious humor.)
George Franck
Subject: GEN: Cadence Allegro >--< AutoCAD dwg utilities
 Resent-Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 17:51:11 -0700
Resent-From:  [log in to unmask]
        Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 17:39:30 -0400
        From: Greg Goodenbury <[log in to unmask]>
          To: "'IPC Designer Council'" <[log in to unmask]>,
              "'TechNet at IPC'" <[log in to unmask]>
Cadence Allegro(TM) to AutoCAD(TM) Utility 
Conquest has developed a software utility that automatically creates 
AutoCAD(TM) drawing files (.dwg files) from a Cadence Allegro(TM) design 
database file (.brd file).   The software is available now and is priced at 
$240 per copy.
The "alg2dwg" utility will create AutoCAD(TM) drawing files corresponding 
to layers defined in the film setup within the Allegro database.  The 
utility works with Cadence Allegro(TM) releases 10 or 11, and requires the 
Cadence DXF output software and AutoCAD(TM).
AutoCAD(TM) to Cadence Allegro(TM) Utility 
Conquest has also developed a software program that automatically 
translates AutoCAD(TM) drawing files (.dwg or .dxf files) into subclasses 
within a Cadence Allegro(TM) design database file (.brd file).  The 
software is available now and is priced at $240 per copy.
No special setup or conversion files need to be created.  The "dwg2alg" 
utility translates the AutoCAD(TM) information into Allegro(TM) Board 
Geometry Subclasses.    The utility works with Cadence Allegro(TM) releases 
10 or 11, and requires the Cadence IGES input software and AutoCAD(TM).
Conquest Technology, Inc. is an engineering services company specializing 
in CAE/CAD design layout, training and manufacture of printed circuit 
boards.  For more information, contact Conquest at 800-359-1956, or send 
email to [log in to unmask]