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by (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0vDKsB-0000TWC; Tue, 15 Oct 96 20:34 CDT
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 17:20:00 -0700
DesignerCouncil-request [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/2161
From [log in to unmask] Wed Oct 16 09:
15:19 1996
text/plain (135 lines)

Nicely put Max.  However, I would guess that who ever posted this
message about service bureaus is someone who seeks confrontation,
and longs for the attention it brings him or her.  In this case,
my council would be to ignore the message.  Don't respond to it 
at all, consider it beneath yourself to do so.

I also whole heartedly agree with you about the 100 attaboys...
It is strange that our profession has so little recognition and
respect, when daily prototype orders of $40,000 or more are completly 
dependant upon our work.  The number of correct decisions we make
during the course of a design is incredible.  All it takes though
is one, just one mistake or overlooked item (even a minor one),
and suddenly the designer is lower than pond scum.

Down there at Compaq, you have design checkers, which from the view
point companies here in Silicon Valley is an "unnecessary" luxury.
Be happy that you have those checkers, they lower the blood pressure
of your designers.  If for no other reason than increasing the life
expectancy of your designers, checkers are a good thing.  Up here, I
haven't seen a checker for at least 15 years... but maybe I've been
working at the wrong companies.

So, the gist of this is, let's stop berating each other and get on 
with it.

Ken Barrett
Cisco Systems WBU
San Jose CA
[log in to unmask]

----- Begin Included Message -----

>From [log in to unmask] Tue Oct 15 16:50:58 1996
Resent-Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 18:43:35 -0700
Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask]
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From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 96 14:20:52 CDT
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Resent-Message-ID: <"JqwIS1.0.h7K.6m-Oo"@ipc>
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X-Mailing-List: <[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/2156
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Content-Length: 2939

I agree with Pete's statement.  I also would like to express my concern 
with this type of message on the IPC Designers forum.  It is a waste of 
everyones time to read such meaningless messages.  These types of messages 
will only give the "Designer" less creditability and leave more doubts in 
the minds of the readers as to the "professionalism"  the Designer 
community has.  It takes 100 AT-A-BOYS to wipe out 1 (one) AW-S---.  So let 
us all, for the sake of the Designer community, stop and think before 
making such comments.  With a sincere effort from ALL of us we can and will 
establish the creditability we all are seeking.

Max E. Thorson
Original Text
From: [log in to unmask], on 10/15/96 10:08 AM:
     This is a very unfair statement. There are good service bureaus and
     there are bad - just like there are good OEMs and bad. If you have a
     beef with a particular bureau come out and say it. Please do not paint
     everyone with the same brush. Anyone could just as well say "Beware
     all PCB designers - they are goof offs just looking for a pay check"
     That statement would be just as far off base as your statement.

     Pete Waddell
     [log in to unmask]

     P.S. who is the PCB Gadfly???

______________________________ Reply Separator 

Subject: Unidentified subject!
Author:  [log in to unmask] at Internet
Date:    10/14/96 1:17 PM

Beware of services bureaus!!!
They are the SWEAT SHOPS of the 90's!!

The PCB Gladfly

PCB Gladfly

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