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by (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0uqSoa-0000LcC; Tue, 13 Aug 96 18:24 CDT
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Tue, 13 Aug 96 16:29:00 MST
From [log in to unmask] Wed Aug 14 08:
18:43 1996
DesignerCouncil-request [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/1905
DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>, Mdesai26 <[log in to unmask]>
Schlice Dave <[log in to unmask]>
Microsoft Mail V3.0
text/plain (302 lines)

CAM tool but what about CAD tool ? ? ? ? ? ?
>From: DesignerCouncil-request
>To: Mdesai26; DesignerCouncil
>Subject: Re: Requirements for PCB Design
>Date: Tuesday, 13 August, 1996 6:24PM
>One of the most popular packages for Design package review and =
>manufacturability analysis BEFORE Gerber generation is the GENESIS =
>2000.  Manufacturing outputs are also handled: Gerber 274D, 274X, =
>Excellon Drill, IPC D 356, etc... all can also be output from the =
>system too.  Below is a brief description of the different options =
>and hardware requirtements:
>                       GENESIS 2000 BRIEF DESCRIPTION
>I. Basic Pre-production Modules:
>Auto Input: Complete functionality to automatically recognize input, =
>and translate standard formats such as Gerber 274D,  Gerber 274X,  =
>Pentax,  CSI Autoplot,  Sieb & Meyer,  Excellon I & II Drill and =
>Rout,  Optrotech,  Excellon .img,  ATI,  Barco DPF,  IPC D 356, PADS =
>Netlist, Mentor Netlist,  Mentor Neutral,  Mentor CAD, Zuken Redac =
>CAD, HPGL I & II,  PDA,  NTD, IGI-PAR, DXF,  Probot and many more =
>files automatically with virtually  no user interaction.  New =
>technology employs adaptive heuristic methodology to maintain =
>compatibility with changes in the CAD industry.
>Design Analyzer: The Design Analyzer is a comprehensive yet flexible =
>environment that allows the engineer to review a design before, =
>during, or after tooling, The Design Analyzer uses an interactive =
>environment for pre-production general review, or manufacturability, =
>allowing for graphical printouts, etc... This tools will analyze your =
>design for OVER 70 DIFFERENT categories of manufacturability review!
>Graphic Editor: The Graphic Editor is based on  an on-line DRC and =
>Netlist  technology that eliminates the possibility for an operator =
>to create or edit an error into the design.  The advanced human =
>interface is based on intuitive software concepts that will reduce =
>personnel training time and at the same time lend itself to high =
>productivity for the advanced operator. An additional highlight of =
>the Graphical Editor is that the PCB can continuously be viewed in  =
>3rd dimension (stackup). Allowing, for instance, the operator to view =
>all affected layers in a process.  In addition to the Genesis being =
>an on-line  netlist based system, it is necessary to be able to =
>output a netlist to other systems such as electrical testers, rework =
>stations or any other netlist driven system. To achieve this, the =
>Netlist Extraction module outputs an ASCII based netlist that will =
>allow easy integration to 3rd party systems and environments. This =
>module can also be used to compare the Netlist extracted from the =
>incoming  data to a customer supplied IPC D 356 file. Pre-requisite =
>IPC D 356 auto input and output.
>Output Formats: Valor's open products policy is demonstrated by the =
>output converters that are designed to give the user the freedom of =
>choosing the output device that best  meets their  needs (plotter, =
>drill, etc.). The following formats are currently supported:  Gerber =
>274D,  Gerber 274X,  Gerber RPD,  Pentax, CSI Autoplot, Sieb & Meyer, =
>Excellon I & II Drill and Rout, Optrotech, Excellon .img,  ATI, =
>Postscript, Barco DPF, IPC D 356 and HPGL I & II,  PDA,  NTD, =
>IGI-PAR, DXF,  Probot  and many more. Additional format outputs will =
>be continuously developed per customer needs.
>II. Advanced Pre-production Modules:
>Sub Panel Optimizer: The only Array optimizer program designed to =
>intelligently handle incoming data in array (sub panel form), =
>automatically extracting the array information while seperating it =
>from the PCB data.  Use this tool drastically improves the tooling =
>speed and efficiency of array designs.
>Panel Optimizer: The only panel optimizer program designed to place =
>single images on array=B9s, array=B9s on panel, panels on sheets.  =
>Maximize panel utilization using the most advanced algorithm in the =
>industry.  Places  rectangle, round or L shaped PCB=B9s and =
>calculates all the possible panel placement combinations in seconds!
>Stackup Builder: Develop automated prepreg selection, pull stackups =
>from libraries, graphically build stackups from scratch.  Designed =
>from the ground up to be the most innovative easy to use graphical =
>stackup program in the industry. Constraint based approach allows for =
>cost optimization rules to determine the most cost effective =
>production stackup.
>Impedance Simulator: Designed to handle the 3 most common types of =
>characteristic impedance requirements. Users can define their own =
>formula or use the Valor supplied formulas.  Both the Impedance =
>Control and Stackup modules are tied to the design.  Modify a =
>impedance tolerance and automatically modify the associated line =
>width - =B3Hot Linked Graphics=B2 and more...
>Auto Drill Manager: Designed to calculate the selection of the drill =
>tools.  Total automation provides not only speed but complete =
>reliability and guaranteed repeatability.  User defined criteria =
>selects the correct finished drill tool that achieves the correct =
>finished hole size every time, time after time.
>Drill Path Optimizer: The drill path optimizer generates alternative =
>drill path maps based on a different algorithmic criteria. This =
>approach guaranties that the optimizer will handle variable drill =
>file geometry with maximum efficiency. Groups of drill holes that are =
>marked with the "Don't Optimize" system attribute are kept in their =
>original sequence. This special "Don't Optimize " attribute may be =
>used to mark slot drill packs on the original drill file. Has been =
>independently benchmarked and proven to be the worlds most efficient =
>Auto Rout Manager: Minimize the amount of user interaction and cycle =
>time required to create fully production ready rout outputs.  The =
>fully integrated and automated foundation to the Genesis system =
>allows for maximum productivity.
>EDA Data Viewer: Speak in the customers own design language, with the =
>ability to read in and display the full Mentor Graphics Board Station =
>ASCII neutral file.  This will allow you to see on screen exactly =
>what the designer will see on his screen - including all component =
>III. Advanced Automation Tools:
>Script Debugger: The PCB industry has put strong demand on "C shell" =
>script automation over the last few years. Valor has developed a =
>script debugger that is a state of the art set of tools for creating =
>and debugging "C shell" scripts. When using the debugger option the =
>user can enter into script recording mode. The recorded file may be =
>edited later and then used as a script. This package has the ability =
>to link execution of specific scripts with function keys. At any =
>point where the script is suspended (due to break point or other =
>reason) the user may view the relevant system window (for example: =
>Graphic Editor, Panelization window, job matrix etc.) and analyze the =
>script impact on the PCB data.
>DFM Environment: This module may be the most potent technological =
>tool introduced to Pre-production engineering since the introduction =
>of conventional CAM. This unique technology developed for PCB =
>fabricators automatically enables the automation of today's labor =
>intensive manual editing sessions, that are necessary for PCB =
>manufacturers to meet their internal manufacturability criteria's.  =
>Additionally, the development environment is available for creation =
>of plant specific or company proprietary editing functionality. The =
>DFM Environment is structured so that a systems engineer can create =
>these advanced customized tools virtually in hours without having to =
>write actual low level code. This is done by providing an algorithmic =
>kernel of the Genesis as an object library accessible to the =
>fabricators systems engineer. Using this technology the fabricator =
>will be able to reduce the cycle time of one of the most time =
>consuming engineering processes in today's front end engineering, and =
>at the same time significantly improve overall manufacturing  yield.
>DFM Components: The concept of DFM Component programs will be the =
>continuous development and improvement of advanced applications using =
>the DFM Environment. This will be an on going process in the PCB =
>industry for years to come. DFM programs can be simple programs such =
>as non-functional-pad-removal, or complex programs such as, neckdown =
>and rerouting of traces based on a comprehensive set of =
>manufacturability rules. These programs will be developed by Valor, =
>the Genesis customer base and by Valor VAR's. The importance of the =
>DFM program concept is that  continuous improvement is not limited to =
>the system supplier, and customer specific programs will be exclusive =
>to each company (The DFM Environment is not  a prerequisite for DFM =
>DFM Component: Automatic Soldermask Optimizer - Eliminates the =
>tedious hours spent on each job modifying the Soldermask.  The =
>optimizer performs complete global optimization in minutes.  The =
>results are generally superior to any manual method.
>DFM Component: Automatic Sliver Filling - Fully automatic analysis =
>and repair of the resist redeposition slivers
>DFM Component: Automatic Copper Balancing - Improves stability of =
>thin inner cores, significantly reduces the cost of copper related =
>waste treatment costs and provides a method to automatically balance =
>outer layers in terms of copper density distribution.
>DFM Component: Automatic Line Width Optimizer -  Provides for the =
>optimal line width without compromising spacing.  Tight designs have =
>shown a significant improvement in final yield.
>DFM Component: Automatic Pinhole Eliminator -  features and ground =
>planes often  contain small pinholes (data does not overlap).  These =
>pinholes go unrepaired due to their small size.  This program =
>automatically searches through a design for any pin hole and repairs =
>them automatically.
>DFM Component: Automatic Signal Layer Optimization - Drastically =
>slash the amount of time required to perform manual editing!  =
>Automated signal layer optimization performs in seconds what =
>otherwise would take operators hours to perform without the risk of =
>errors! Flash Editor - Automated repair of manufacturability issues =
>found during in the Design Analyzer.  The Flash Editor is based on  =
>an on-line DRC and Netlist technology that eliminates the possibility =
>for an operator to create or edit an error into the design.  Several =
>alternative types of automated repairs are often possible, allowing =
>the user to preview each option selecting the preferred repair.
>DFM Component: Acute Angle Repair - Drastically slash the amount of =
>time required to perform manual editing!  Automated signal layer =
>optimization performs in seconds what otherwise would take operators =
>hours to perform without the risk of errors!
>DFM Component: Automatic Silkscreen Optimizer - Eliminates the =
>tedious hours spent on each job modifying the Silkscreen.  The =
>optimizer performs complete global optimization in minutes.  The =
>results are generally superior to any manual method.
>DFM Component: Nomenclature Detection - Accurate and intellegent =
>Nomenclature detection algorithm will seek out and apply the =
>Nomenclature attribute for you automatically.  This function quickly =
>will indetify text for the correct categorization of text spacing, =
>conturization, etc...
>DFM Component: Text Sliver Fill - rapid repair of all features with =
>the nomenclature attribute set.  The repair will remove all serious =
>slivers, thus eliminating the possibility of resist redeposition =
>DFM Component: Redundant Vector Removal -  Intelligent data reduction =
>for your most serious design databases.  The removal of covered data =
>received by your customer will not only reduce the size of =B3drawn =
>ground planes=B2 but greatly speed the time required to perform =
>Design Analysis etc...
>DFM Component: Line Unification - Improve the accuracy and quality of =
>the customers database.  Today, you use =B3Draw to Flash=B2 =
>convertion.  Now you can extend the Genesis to analyze for over =
>lapping traces and =B3flash=B2 them into what should appear on your =
>artwork. For example 2 overlapping 6 mil lines that measure on the =
>film as 10 mils will be converted automatically to a 10 mil line!
>IV. Enterprise Wide Interface:
>Framework: A complete engineering management  tool, monitoring the =
>activity of the physical network and other modules operation as part =
>of the Genesis system.  Designed for the system administrator, =
>engineering manager, customer service representative, etc...  Balance =
>CPU loading in a client server environment, status jobs, perform =
>bottleneck review etc...
>Workforms: A complete and customizable Electronic Form generation =
>technology.  User will be able to customize according to the plants =
>requirements.  Interactive Forms, such as a Job Release Form or a =
>Manufacturing  Check List Form, can contain text, drawings, pictures, =
>voice and special action buttons and much more.  One master copy is =
>viewable throughout the network.  User updates show instantly on all =
>Workflows: A complete and customizable Workflow generation =
>technology. Every process can be defined as a graphical workflow, or =
>sub-workflow, that changes dynamically according to the specific =
>customer needs and production status.  Provides immediate monitoring =
>of job status.  Will protect users from making costly decision =
>mistakes, or errors of omission in this rapid engineering environment.
>Hope this helps... Call Valor at the number below for any sales =
>Best Regards,
>Leigh Eichel
>         1601 TRAPELO ROAD
>   " Changing Data Into Information"
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