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Mike Buetow <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:34:34 -0500 (CDT)
TEXT/PLAIN (406 lines)
Here is our latest meetings schedule.  We plan to post it on the 
web when we are up also during the first or second week of September.

	JUNE 1, 1995 




 1	EPA CSI	Continuation of meeting of Common	San Francisco,	Chris
	MEETING	Sense Initiative Electronics sector	CA

 1 - 2	TC52 WG2	To continue work on IEC standards	Hamburg,	Vern
	MEETING	on soldering requirements and 	Germany	Solberg
		soldering workmanship

7 -10	JPCA SHOW	25th Annual conference and 	Tokyo,	TBD
		exhibition of the Japan Printed  	Japan
		Circuit Association

10 - 11	IPC DESIGNERS	Meeting of Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	Committee to develop items for 	MA
	ITEM WRITING	Level B beta testing

12	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level A	MA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

13	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	MA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

16	ELECTRONIC 	Meeting of interagency specialist 	IBM	Dieter
	PACKAGING	group on electronic packaging and	Austin,

19	IPC GOVERNMENT	Meeting of Government Relations	Washington,	Chris
	RELATIONS 	Committee and Subcommittees	DC	

19	J-STD-012	Finalization of J-STD-012 on	Boston,		Dieter 
	MEETING	implementation of flip chip and	MA
		chip scale technology

JUNE Cont'd.

19 	ITRI MEETING	Meeting of ITRI members	Washington,	Marshall
			DC	Thom
19 - 20	CAPITOL HILL DAY	Annual industry visit to 	Loew's L'Enfant	Thom
		legislators and regulators to 	Washington, DC	Chris
		promote industry			

20	LAND PATTERN	Land pattern tutorial as a part of	Boston,	Dieter
	TUTORIAL	Electro '95 International	MA		

21	EMSI COUNCIL	Semiannual meeting of EMSI	Loew's L'Enfant	Tony
	MEETING	Council Members	Washington, DC

21 - 23	TMRC/AMRC	Spring meeting of the TMRC 	Loew's L'Enfant	Thom
		and AMRC 	Washington, DC	Dieter
				Kim S.

23	J-STD-013	Meeting on the development of	Boston, 	Dieter
	MEETING	J-STD-013 Ball Grid Array and	MA
		other high density technology

24 - 25	IPC DESIGNER	Meeting of Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	Committee to develop items for 	MA
	ITEM WRITING	Level B beta testing

26	D-35X UPDATE	Meeting of committee chairmen 	Woburn,	Dieter
	STRATEGY MEETING	and interested committee members	MA
		to update the IPC-D-35X series
		for data description in digital

29 - 30	ISO TC184/	Meeting with ISO TC184 Committee	Washington,	Dieter
	IEC TC93	to discuss interopererability 	DC
	MEETING	between computer format standards


11 - 12	PCWC VII	Meeting of PCWC VII Program 	EIPC HQ.	Dieter
	PROGRAM	Committee to review paper	Basel,
	COMMITTEE 	abstracts and form conference	Switzerland
	MEETING	program

14	LONG RANGE	Meeting of assemblers and their	IPC HQ.	Thom 
	PLANNING 	suppliers to discuss IPC long	Lincolnwood,	Dieter 
	MEETING	range planning	IL	David

17 - 18	EDAC ROADMAP	A meeting of CAE/CAD suppliers	Westin Htl.	Dieter
	MEETING	to develop technology roadmap	Santa Clara,
		for EDA companies sponsored by	CA

19 - 20 	CAD-TO-CAM	Meeting of CAD-to-CAM Ad Hoc	Mentor Graphics	Thom
	NEEDS ASSESSMENT	Committee to review needs of	San Jose,	Dieter
		computerized data for printed	CA
		boards and assemblies

24	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Velie Circuits	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	Costa Mesa,
		issues related to standards and	CA
		design for manufacturing

27	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level A	MA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

28	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Woburn,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	MA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

31	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Merix	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	Forest Grove,
		issues related to standards and	OR
		design for manufacturing


1	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Merix	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	Forest Grove,
		issues related to standards and	OR
		design for manufacturing

AUGUST Cont'd.

 2 - 3	TAEC REVIEW	Brainstorming TAEC/CCC meeting 	IPC HQ.	Dieter
	OF QUALITY 	to develop proposed IPC policy		David
	ASSESSMENT 	on quality assessment procedures		Jean
	PROCEDURES	to be included in IPC standards

 7 - 8	TECHNOLOGY 	Meeting of the IPC Technology 	IBM	Dieter
	ROADMAP '96 	Roadmap Strategic Planning 	Austin,	Marshall
	KICK-OFF 	Committee to start deliberations	TX
	MEETING	on the 1996 roadmap effort

 9	LONG RANGE 	Meeting of board manufacturers and	IPC HQ.	Thom
	PLANNING 	their suppliers to discuss IPC long	Lincolnwood,	Dieter
	MEETING	range planning	IL	David

14 - 15	FLEX COMMITTEE	Meetings of flexible committees	IPC HQ.	Jon
	MEETINGS	to review material and items on 	Lincolnwood,
		standard proposals and complete	IL
		work on Round Robin Testing Plan

17 - 18	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	In-House workshop to discuss 	Hibbing Elec.	Dieter
	WORKSHOP FOR	design and assembly manufacturing	Hibbing,
	ASSEMBLY	issues related to standards and	MN
		design for assembly

21 - 22	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Continental	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	Circuits
		issues related to standards and	Phoenix,	
		design for manufacturing	AZ

23	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Santa Clara,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level A	 CA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

24	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Santa Clara,	Dieter 
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	CA
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

25 - 26	SURFACE MOUNT	Third meeting of the Surface	San Jose,	Dieter
	COUNCIL MEETING	Mount Council prior to SMI	CA	David

27	LONG RANGE	Meeting of designers and their	San Jose,	Dieter
	PLANNING MEETING	constituents to discuss IPC	CA
		long range planning	

AUGUST Cont'd.

28	IPC DESIGN 	IPC Design Committees to complete	San Jose,	Dieter
	COMMITTEE	work on the design standardization	CA	Mike
	MEETING	activity	

29	LONG RANGE 	Meeting of TAEC members to discuss	San Jose,	Dieter
	PLANNING	IPC long range planning issues	CA

29 - 31	SURFACE MOUNT	Annual Surface Mount Conference	San Jose,	Staff
	INTERNATIONAL	and Exposition sponsored by IPC,	CA

31	TC91 WG2	Meeting of TC91 WG2 on soldering	Tessera	Dieter
	MEETING	standards for the IEC	San Jose,


 1	TC91 WG2	Meeting of TC91 WG2 on soldering	Tessera	Dieter
	MEETING	standards for the IEC	San Jose,

 5	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Hartford,		Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	CT
	WORKSHOP	beta testing 	

 6	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Moorestown,		Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	NJ
	WORKSHOP	beta testing 	

 7 - 8	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Colonial	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	Circuits
		issues related to standards and	Fredericksburg,	
		design for manufacturing	VA

11 - 12	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Circuit-Wise	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON DFM	design and board manufacturing	New Haven,
		issues related to standards and	CT	
		design for manufacturing	

14 - 15	TC93 MEETING	Meeting of the Technical Advisory	EIA HQ.	Dieter
		Group of TC93	Washington,


18 - 19	LONG RANGE	Meeting of the Executive Committee	IPC HQ.	Thom
	PLANNING EXECUTIVE	to review item discussions of 		Dieter
	COMMITTEE MEETING	brainstorming groups (board manu-		David
		facturers, assemblers, designers and		Tony
		TAEC members) to develop preliminary		Jean
		report for evaluation

21	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Columbus,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level A	OH
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

22	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Columbus,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	OH
	WORKSHOP	beta testing	

25	EIQC WORKSHOP	Workshop to discuss quality 	EIA HQ.	Dieter
		assessment techniques	Washington,

26 - 27 	EIQC MEETING	Third meeting of the Electronics	NIST
		Industries Quality Council	Gaithersburg,	Dieter

28 - 29	JOINT SOLDERING 	Meeting of IPC and EIA represent-		Dieter
	MEETING	atives to discuss issues on 	FL	Jean
		soldering related to joint activity
		in the J standards

30	TC91 TAG 	Meeting of the Technical Advisory		Dieter
	MEETING	Group to TC91 to discuss activities	FL	
		that must be resolved to develop
		U.S. positions for planary session 
		of TC91 in Singapore


10 - 11	IN-HOUSE DESIGN	Design workshop to discuss	Comptronix	Dieter
	WORKSHOP ON 	design and board manufacturing	Guntersville,
	WORKSHOP	issues related to assembly 	AL		

12 	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Orlando,		Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level A	FL
	WORKSHOP	beta testing


13	IPC DESIGNERS	Workshop for Designers Certification	Orlando,	Dieter
	CERTIFICATION	training to prepare for Level B	FL
	WORKSHOP	beta testing

16	EQR 	Meeting of the Electronic Quality	Phoenix,	Dieter
	MEETING	Registrar	AZ
23 - 25	TC52 WORKING	Meeting of Technical Working	Westin Hotel	Dieter
	GROUPS MEETING	Groups of IEC TC52 on printed	Providence, RI

26 - 27	TC52 GENERAL	Meeting of the Planary session	Westin Hotel	Dieter
	SESSION	of TC52	Providence, RI

29 - 31	IPC FALL MEETING	Fall meeting of the IPC	Westin Hotel	Staff
		technical groups	Providence, RI


 1	IPC FALL MEETING	Meeting of the IPC technical	Westin Hotel	Staff
	CONTINUED	groups	Providence, RI

 1 - 3	DESIGN TECHNOLOGY	IPC Designers Council Design	Westin Hotel	Dieter
	SYMPOSIUM	Technology Symposium and 	Providence, RI	Mike
		Exhibition		John

 7 - 10	PRODUCTRONICA	Productronica conference	Munich,	TBD

30	TC 93 JOINT	Meeting of Joint Technical 	EIA HQ.	Dieter
	WORKING GROUP 11	Working Group between TC 52	Arlington,
		and TC 93	VA


 4	TC 93 PLANARY	Planary Session of the Technical 	EIA HQ.	Dieter
	SESSION	Working Group for TC 93	Arlington, 

 5	ELECTRONIC DATA	Presentations on various data	EIA HQ.	Dieter
	DESCRIPTION FORUM	formats regarding electronic	Arlington,
		data transfe		


 5 - 6	EMSI COUNCIL 	Meeting of the Electronic	Intercontinental	Thom
	MEETING	Manufacturing Services Industry	Hotel, 	Tony
		Council	New Orleans, LA

 5 - 6	PWB PRESIDENTS	Meeting of the printed board	Intercontinental	Thom
	MEETING	manufacturer presidents	Hotel,	Jean
			New Orleans, LA

6-7-8	TMRC/AMRC	Fall meeting of the Technology	Intercontinental	Thom
	MEETING	Marketing Research Council	Hotel	Dieter
		and Assembly Marketing	New Orleans, LA	Tony
		Research Council		Kim

	* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
	* * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


6 - 18	TEMPE INTERIM	Meetings to complete committee	Fiesta Inn	Staff
	MEETINGS	work prior to IPC Annual Meeting	Tempe, 



 1 - 2	SURFACE MOUNT	First meeting of the Surface Mount	San Jose,	Dieter
	COUNCIL	Council for 1996	CA	David

 2 - 7	IPC EXPO	IPC Annual meeting, Conference	San Jose,	Staff
		and Exhibition	CA

17 - 22	DESIGN	Joint activity between IPC Designers	Santa Clara,	Dieter
	CONFERENCE	Council and Design Conference	CA	Mike
