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May 2014


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Jim West <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Jim West <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 May 2014 17:50:04 +0000
text/plain (17 lines)
Good Friday all,

Wondering how many out there, using both lead and lead-free solder, are using nitrogen with your reflow process?  At a previous factory, we did not use nitrogen as part of our reflow process and where I'm working today, we use Nitrogen on all our lines.  I had success without nitrogen and we are having success with nitrogen.  At the APEX show, I spoke with at least one reflow oven manufacture about their oven and what they feel about the use of nitrogen and they pretty much said they are selling less ovens with nitrogen.  To the point of 90%+ of their ovens are sold without the nitrogen option.  As most know, nitrogen is very expensive and I would like to justify not using nitrogen in the future, but I have an uphill climb due to my parent company suggesting we use nitrogen based on a policy created over 7 years ago.  Based on our product mix, I'm of the opinion we don't need nitrogen.

What are your thoughts on using nitrogen with the reflow process?

Has anyone gone through the process of eliminating the use of nitrogen and had success afterwards?


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