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March 2013


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"lduso -" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Mar 2013 13:02:16 -0500
TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
Douglas Pauls <[log in to unmask]>
TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
text/plain (248 lines)
Senator, I have no recollection of the events you describe.

Not even gonna touch this one for fear the mental image would severely 
mentally scar readers beyond treatment.

Doug Pauls

From:   "lduso -" <[log in to unmask]>
To:     TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Doug Pauls 
<[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/29/2013 11:56 AM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Ok, I'm confused; What color was the bikini and why were you wearing it 

Lloyd Duso
Plant Manager
(814) 535-3505

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Douglas Pauls <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dammit.  I KNEW I should have went straight to the Supreme Court.....

Doug Pauls

From:   David D Hillman/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins
To:     Douglas O Pauls/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins@RockwellCollins
Cc:     TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/29/2013 11:37 AM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Hi Doug - I checked with the Friday Element Quiz Circuit Court Judicial
Supreme Court (FEQCCJS)  which pointed me back to the FEQCCoA ruling in
2011 where it was ruled that if a review of your submitted response by the
FEQAB was conducted prior to the issue of a new FEQ, you had no grounds 
appeal. You can, of course, appeal your appeal to the FEQCCJS but they
don't typically take on such a case.


From:   Douglas O Pauls/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins
To:     David D Hillman/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins@RockwellCollins
Cc:     TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/29/2013 11:24 AM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Dave, I have forwarded your response to the Friday Element Quiz Circuit
Court of Appeals (FEQCCoA) and they have overturned your disqualification
on the grounds that it was not timely.  They have held that you get a
maximum of 3 days (weekends included).  So there.

While technically Bikini Atoll still appears on a map, when the islanders
tried to return there they were all poisoned by Strontium-90.  If you wish
to go there, roll around in the sand and glow in the dark, be my guest, 
"effectively" it ain't there no more.....

Doug Pauls

From:   David D Hillman/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins
To:     Douglas O Pauls/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins@RockwellCollins
Cc:     TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/28/2013 05:56 PM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Hi Doug - the Friday Element Quiz Arbitration Board (FEQAB) has again
(surprising, I know) disqualified your submitted response. You stated that
the Bikini Atoll is no longer there yet a check of current records shows
that the Bikini Atoll is still there and listed as a World Heritage site.
The FEQAB says you can't claim it to be gone when its still there.


From:   Douglas O Pauls/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins
To:     TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>,
            <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/22/2013 03:01 PM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Oh well, that one's easy.  The answer is Atollium, another of the half
fractional elements.  The element was named in honor of Bikini Atoll in 
Pacific, which isn't there anymore.  When they set off hydrogen bombs 
in the late 40s and most of the 50s, there was  LOT of plutonium
bombardment of Calcium-48 (from the coral reefs).  Since much of Bikini
Island became vapor in the tests, the deposited Atollium was only found on
the barrier islands of the Atoll, hence its designation of "islands of

The Atollium was exremely hard to gather for analysis:  a) it was in a
highly radioactive zone, requiring lead lined hazmat suits; and b) the
nuclear radiation created a race of mutant squid, on average 46 feet long,
with tentacles 200 feet long.  You may have seen a poor rendition of the
beast in Pirates of the Caribbean II.  The mutant squid were highly
protective of the Atollium and attacked those trying to gather samples.
The only successful harvesting of Atollium was by Dr. Hans LaufenSchneller
of the University of Southern Leichtensteim, who employed dubious means.
Gathering 20 young co-op students with a promise of research on a 
island", the co-op students unwittingly drew the attention of the squid,
while Dr. LaufenSchneller successfully gathered samples.  There was only
one return ticket used.  Dr. LaufenScheller is no longer with us.  While
planning the subsequent journey, the second crop of 20 co-op students did
unto Dr. LaufenSchneller before he could do unto them.

And the Spectral Line for Atollium is "plaid", which Hillman left out.

Doug Pauls

From:        "David D. Hillman" <[log in to unmask]>
To:        <[log in to unmask]>
Date:        03/22/2013 01:17 PM
Subject:        [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question
Sent by:        TechNet <[log in to unmask]>

Hi folks - Here is the Friday Element Quiz Question:

The Question:
This element is the result of bombarding plutonium-244 target with a beam
of ions from calcium-48. It is considered to be the first of the "island
of stability" elements. What is the official name element is being

The winner of the weekly element quiz will get the
services of Clumpy and Kloumpios for the week.

So far Clumpy and Kloumpios have done the following:

Past Quiz winners/tasks:
Week 1 Dick Krug,  Spartan Complex Systems
Week 2 Laura Turbini, IRC

Week 3 James Head, Crowcon Detection Instruments Limited
- assisted with a "haring" activity

And Pat Goodyear, PGE
- This time the boys will get to do some REAL work, they each have scoop
shovels and at present are shoveling piles of U-O2 pellets for refueling
the cook pot.  We are in the middle of a 60 day refuel outage so their
help came at an opportune time, the majority of our contract crew left
this evening, (laid off).   They are however complaining that it is hot
and they have been working in dry suits and sweating profusely, and they
have no beers to drop, not allowed on the property.   I offered them Gator

aid but they just laughed.  I asked them if they knew anything about
electronics and they could work with us technicians, but they just mumbled

about John Deere tractors.   They will be working the next 3 days around
the clock, they will get rest when they are done, we have to get back on

Week 4 Joe Russeau, Precision Analysts Laboratory
- assisted with running an ion chromatograph and see how adept they are at

reviewing SIR data.

Week 5 Tom Carroll, Boeing Defense, Space and Security
- The boys arrived and immediately ate pizza and drank 2 bottles of my
best wine. Then they got very excited and said something about hidden
treasure at the southern tip of Italy and before I knew it they were on
their tractor singing and headed south. I didn't even get a chance to ask
them if they could help with my current risk reduction task. Well they got

back last night and started to tell me some fantastic stories about a
place called the Regional Natural Park Costa Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca
e Bosco di Tricase. This is a regional park of Puglia, Italy and of
particular importance is the "hidden" fauna, delicate ecosystem that
invites many species of bats and rare appearances of aquatic fauna in dark

environments of the caves, some partially submerged, in the Park. The boys

told me that some of their relatives actually settled in this area many
centuries ago and they went to visit them. They also told me about the
area around the park. There are fortified farms all over the countryside
with beautiful noble villas that tower above the farms and overlook the
area. This is a strategic place and has always been a crossroad for past
civilizations. I most go visit this place.  Anyway the boys are now rested

and ready for their next adventure. So much for helping me but I was very
glad to see them and have some company.

Week 6 Steve Gregory
- assisted with packing for Steve's next cross country move.

Week 7 ????
- assisted with ????

Everyone have a safe week!

Dave Hillman
Rockwell Collins

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