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March 2013


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Mon, 11 Mar 2013 07:02:27 -0500
TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
Douglas Pauls <[log in to unmask]>
TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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And this may be the first recorded case of a half-life on a half-assed

Doug Pauls

From:	David D Hillman/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins
To:	TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>,
            <[log in to unmask]>
Date:	03/10/2013 10:13 PM
Subject:	Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question

Hi Doug - the FEQAB has attempted to review you submission of "thalulesium"
as the answer for the weekly quiz but unfortunately the file keeps reducing
by half at a yet to be determined nonlinear rate. CFO H. Prince and CEO S.
White have instructed the FEQAB to conduct no further assessment attempts
after a brief conversation with Clumpy and Kloumpios - apparently there is
some "old family information" which prevent further efforts to fairly
evaluate your submission. Sorry, you have been "done in" by the Clumpy and
Kloumpios Mafia.


From:        Douglas Pauls <[log in to unmask]>
To:        <[log in to unmask]>
Date:        03/08/2013 08:16 AM
Subject:        Re: [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question
Sent by:        TechNet <[log in to unmask]>

It is not surprising that no one has gotten it yet.  You are all sticking
to the normal periodic Table and the answer is one of the half-fractional
elements: Thalulesium.  This is a very odd element, acting a little like
Thallium, a little like Thulium, and a little like Cesium.  So many of you
are close, but no seegar.....

Thalulesium was first discovered in northern Finland and was not fully
isolated until 1806 by Dr. Sjutolyskison of the University of Finland at
Utsjoki.  The problem that Dr. Sjutolyskison had was that half of his
samples disappeared every night.  Remember where our two intrepid gnomes,
Clumpy and Kloumpios originally come from?  As it turns out, their
ancestors were great practical jokers.  They helped mine the ore that
Thalulesium comes from, which is secretite (another "hidden" clue).  Then
at night, they would hide (the other hidden clue) half of the pile of the
ore and sneak into the lab and hide half the semi-isolated element.
Originally, he thought it an odd manifestation of half life of a half
fractional, but he was only half right. It wasn't until half his
microscope turned up missing and half of his research staff went missing
that he started to suspect an outside agent.  He laid a trap with copious
amounts of chocolate and caught the jokers.    There are actually 16 tons
of Thalulesium refined each year, but Clumpy and Kloumpios's families are
still at it, so only 8 tons appears on the records.

Thalulesium has the ability to permeate almost any material, with its
emitted radiation dropping off linearly with the depth of absorption.  By
measuring the total radiation, you can determine exactly how thick an
industrial material is.

I would type more, but I find that half my keyboard is missing......

Doug Pauls

From:   "David D. Hillman" <[log in to unmask]>
To:     <[log in to unmask]>
Date:   03/07/2013 05:14 PM
Subject:        [TN] NTC Friday Element Quiz Question
Sent by:        TechNet <[log in to unmask]>

Hi folks - Here is the Friday Element Quiz Question ( a little early so
other time zones have a chance):

The Question:
A total of 8 tons of this element is extracted every year. An radioactive
isotope of this element is used for industrial material thickness
measurements. The word "hidden". What element is being described?

The winner of the weekly element quiz will get the services of Clumpy and
Kloumpios for the week

So far Clumpy and Kloumpios have done the following:

Past Quiz winners/tasks:
Week 1 Dick Krug,  Spartan Complex Systems
- Clumpy and Kloumpios arrived and were happy to get some warm weather.
Saturday they helped rake leaves (yes it's fall in Tampa) then went to the

Florida State Fair.  They seemed most interested in some of the new
tractors, muttering something about the closed cab would be a more
comfortable ride, but they also took advantage of the opportunity for Fair

food.  I couldn't believe how much deep fried food they ate - Snickers,
butter, burgers, ..., you name it.  Yesterday they didn't feel good so
just sat around in the sun most of the day. This week I'm going to pick
their brains on how to improve our ECN implementation process.  If they
can't contribute much I'll send them back to the fair as sort of a winter

Week 2 Laura Turbini, IRC
- unknown

Week 3 James Head, Crowcon Detection Instruments Limited
- assisted with a "haring" activity

And Pat Goodyear, PGE
- This time the boys will get to do some REAL work, they each have scoop
shovels and at present are shoveling piles of U-O2 pellets for refueling
the cook pot.  We are in the middle of a 60 day refuel outage so their
help came at an opportune time, the majority of our contract crew left
this evening, (laid off).   They are however complaining that it is hot
and they have been working in dry suits and sweating profusely, and they
have no beers to drop, not allowed on the property.   I offered them Gator

aid but they just laughed.  I asked them if they knew anything about
electronics and they could work with us technicians, but they just mumbled

about John Deere tractors.   They will be working the next 3 days around
the clock, they will get rest when they are done, we have to get back on

Week 4 Joe Russeau, Precision Analysts Laboratory
- assisted with running an ion chromatograph and see how adept they are at

reviewing SIR data.

Week 5 ????
- assisted with ????

Everyone have a safe week!

Dave Hillman
Rockwell Collins

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