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December 2010


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Drew meyer <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Drew meyer <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Dec 2010 11:56:38 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
Steve, Craig,

As has been stated the NBC was three notes.  The device will produce four 
notes.  Since it appears that the notes produced would be in human audio 
range.  I am going to guess a tuning device for a stringed instrument.

Tuning instruments that can produce sustained tones, beats can readily be 
recognized. Tuning two tones to a unison will present a peculiar effect: when 
the two tones are close in pitch but not yet identical, the difference in 
frequency generates the beating. The volume varies like in a tremolo as the 
sounds alternately interfere constructively and destructively. When the two 
tones gradually approach unison, the beating slows down and disappears, 
giving way to full-bodied unison resonance.

Beat frequency tuning was the old human ear method but it requires a 
standard device of correct frequecy.

Drew Meyer

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