I have been given a new design which has an underfilled leaded BGA on an SnPb soldered assembly (however many passive components are PbF).
The underfill has a snap cure of 160C for 7 minutes after a 90C pre-heat and dispense. The PCB is FR-4 with a 170Tg min and the assembly is double sided SMT with selective soldered thru hole connectors. It's is a Class 3 assembly.
From my understanding, components are generally not harmed by a few well controlled SMT cycles consisting of a soak period in the 150-180C range, followed by a ramp-up to 210-235C for reflow. But in total, they dwell about a third of the time of the snap cure. Is the snap cure comparatively benign or harmful or are there too many depends?
Appreciate any comments.
Thanks Gregg
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