December 2009


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"[Jeffrey] [Jenkins]" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Tue, 22 Dec 2009 08:41:46 -0800
text/plain (62 lines)

In response to your question, without going into every document that a company may need, I would summarize it as such:

An Engineering document is any maintained document or data package that is and required for the production of any manufactured assembly item, which may vary per process and manufacturer.  This may include but is not limited to the following; drafting room manuals (DRMS), schematics (very important and very overlooked!!), fabrication drawing/packages, assembly drawings/packages, 3D Cad files (mechanical), BOMs, ECNs, Rework instructions, ATPs, work instructions, usage manuals or other pertinent information.

This is the way that I view any documentantion that really needs to be tracked and controlled for the any purpose in the build process.  In my view from seeing SAP, Qracle, and more recently costpoint, all are lacking in the documentation process.  Whether that calls upgraded versions of the software, or for a secondary addon tool is dependent on the processes and size of a particular company.

Best Regards, 


Jeffrey A. Jenkins CID+/CIT
Sr. PCB/CAD Designer
L-3 Communications - Linkabit Division
Office: 858-552-9832
Email: [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: DesignerCouncil [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Joseph G. Clark
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:39 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [DC] ERP/MRP/PLM... What's in your wallet - er - What do you use?

While the start of this seems to be centered on ERP/PLM 
systems, "engineering documentation" is eventually brought to the 
forefront as a critical issue which Bob points out is not being addressed 
very well today ("Why on earth can't these companies make a product 
that out of the box that does Engineering Documentation well? I find it 
hard to believe there can't be a boiler plate level delivered that could 
handle 80-90% of most companies documentation needs out of the box."). 
Seems a very good point made here!

My question is - what exactly is meant by "engineering documentation". 
As so often is true in our business, we use terms very loosely and while 
we think we are all speaking of the same thing, it turns out in retrospect 
we are not. Documentation is found throughout an engineering 
organization in various ways and forms. Could Bob, or anyone for that 
matter, be specific on what is meant by "engineering documentation"? Is 
it hte Assembly drawing?, Fab drawing?, BOM? Rework Instructions? 
ECO/ECN updates, special instructions? other? All of the above?

Thanks so much!

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