Sorry, sent just half message. This was meant. It's a search register for IEEE members, and non-members with reduced rights. Indeed good for analysts. 5bac26c8/index.jsp?&pName=relsoc_home A lot of you are already familiar with IEEE Reliability and Physics, but not all, I suppose. Inge --------------------------------------------------- Technet Mail List provided as a service by IPC using LISTSERV 15.0 To unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the BODY (NOT the subject field): SIGNOFF Technet To temporarily halt or (re-start) delivery of Technet send e-mail to [log in to unmask]: SET Technet NOMAIL or (MAIL) To receive ONE mailing per day of all the posts: send e-mail to [log in to unmask]: SET Technet Digest Search the archives of previous posts at: Please visit IPC web site for additional information, or contact Keach Sasamori at [log in to unmask] or 847-615-7100 ext.2815 -----------------------------------------------------