April 2007


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Designers Council Forum <[log in to unmask]>, "Brooks,Bill" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:50:46 -0400
Gary Ferrari <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Ferrari Technical Services
text/plain (362 lines)
IPC Did have a booth at PCB West. They shared it with PCB Libraries 
promoting IPC-7351. However, they no longer bring standards for sale. I 
believe that you can make out a purchase order that they will process 
and ship you the standards. They have had a booth for the last two PCB 
Wests and I believe also the last PCB East.


Brooks,Bill wrote:
> Hmmm... very well written... I don't think I could have competed with that
> Jack... :)
> I have to say I am disappointed that I was not able to attend PCB West, but
> I think my boss has signed up to send me and the other designer who works
> here to PCB East this Fall. 
> No Designers Council Booth at PCB West? I thought they would have had one. 
> Well, I heard they had one at 'IPC West'... but I wasn't able to attend that
> either... too busy, as usual.  
> You are so right about the feeling of working solo but as you branch out
> some you discover there is a lot more to this career than just a paycheck
> and BBQ and a 'SAMUEL ADAMS' on the weekends. 
> I do miss Steve's harmonica playing and joking around... he always had a
> smile and some new thing he was working on to share... the world would be a
> very interesting place if there were more folks like him. 
> That's kind of why I really appreciate the folks who are involved with the
> Designers Council... They make life interesting and challenge me to step out
> of the cubicle from time to time and communicate with others of my kind...
> :)
> Uncle Pete, if you're listening in... I'm lookin' forward to a brew and some
> good conversation like we had in Minneapolis awhile back... hopefully this
> fall. Jean, you made an impression on me when I competed in top gun in
> 2000... as has Gary and Rick, and Mary, and Alan, and Andy... over the years
> you have all had an affect on us and touched our lives and careers and I
> missed being there wit yas... 
> [Oh Auntie Em'... there's no place like home... <sniff>]
> Sorry I just had to break up that way overly serious moment with a
> weee-bit-o-'umor... 
> And Jack... you're definitely the 'Helter Skelter' guy... no doubt.
> :)
> Keep smilin' (it makes people wonder what you're up to) 
> Best regads, (New England for regards)
> Bill Brooks 
> PCB Design Engineer, C.I.D.+
> Tel: (760)597-1500 Fax: (760)597-1510
> Datron World Communications, Inc.
> Vista, California
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfe, Robert [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 2:58 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [DC] Jax Remix: PCB Design Conference 2007
> Jack,
> Just gotta say you are spot on with that rendition of the experience.
> I have not been able to attend a West in quite some time
> and it's been a couple years since a trip to an East.
> But boy do I sure do miss the experience!!!!!
> You are absolutely right it was one place we could all get together 
> for the learning, networking and laughing.
> Very Well Stated.
> Bob Wolfe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DesignerCouncil [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jack
> Olson
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:39 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [DC] Jax Remix: PCB Design Conference 2007
> Hmmm, I always say I'll write "Jax Conference Remix" if anyone asks
> about
> it, so here goes....
> (you asked for it)
> Maybe it was the fact that my flight was cancelled and I arrived an
> entire
> day late and then spent the next day with Top Gun so the conference was
> half
> over before I even caught my breath, but things just didn't seem the
> same
> this year.
> It was a joy to see old friends, and it really does feel like a family
> reunion every March, but there was something about it... maybe I
> shouldn't
> even try to describe it.
> (Now I'm nervous, because I don't really want to say anything negative
> about
> something I love and truly look forward to every year) but I guess I
> could
> start by asking:
> "Why Do Designers Attend the Design Conference?"
> First and foremost, they probably justify it for technical reasons.
> There's
> a lot happening in our industry, its difficult to keep up, and PCBWest
> is
> one place where a Designer at ANY LEVEL of competence can find good
> instructive classes. So, we go to LEARN.
> Well, the classes I attended were top-notch, the speakers UPMedia finds
> for
> these lectures are incredibly competent, and although I couldn't attend
> all
> of them, the ones I heard were GREAT! But that being said, the
> proceedings
> disk has only 18 papers. I looked back in my archives for previous
> years,
> and I think this is the first time that there was ever less than 20, and
> 2003 had a whopping 53! Is that a bad sign? Maybe not, if you are
> getting
> what you need to keep up. Quality over Quantity, right?
> Speaking of learning, for quite a number of years I have been one of the
> judges for the Top Gun Competition, and part of that is an interview.
> One of
> the questions I ALWAYS ask is "Where do you go to learn new design
> techniques? If you are being asked to design something using a
> technology
> you are not familiar with, where do you go to learn about it?". Would
> you
> believe, no one ever says " I look for it in an IPC guideline", or "I
> ask
> the Designer's Coucil", or "I learn in classes right here at the
> Conference".
> Nope.
> No one in my memory has ever answered like I would expect. Its always
> something more like "I ask the guy who sits next to me" or "I call a
> friend"
> or "I call a vendor", or "I look for an application note". Maybe one in
> twenty ever mentions IPC or a Conference. Isn't that strange? Maybe not,
> but
> I thought it was worth mentioning. Speaking of Top Gun, this is the
> first
> time that I have ever judged a design that got a PERFECT SCORE in every
> category! Randy Holt from ODA submitted a gorgeous design, and fully
> deserved the title. Congratulations, Randy!
> Secondly, I think its important to get away from the daily grind every
> once
> in awhile, get a fresh perspective, see what everyone else is up to, and
> just relax for a moment. I don't even bring my laptop to the Design
> Conference, because its "me time" and I almost treat it like a vacation
> (hope my boss isn't reading this) But hey, I want to immerse myself in
> what
> is there at the conference, not sit in my hotel room answering email,
> right?
> So I got nothing to say but good stuff about that, except to wish that
> more
> people would attend, or that we could ALL get together in one HUGE
> conference that no one in their right mind would ever miss. Ok, so I'm a
> dreamer. Here's some pics:
> But the networking is invaluable, and you get to see and hear about new
> things (like did you know one of the Mentor Technology Award winners
> board
> had over 2.2km of traces? WOW!) Here's more about that:
> One of the highlights for me was getting to hear a live rendition of
> "Designer's Lament" by Off-Grid CID
> and I was fascinated to see one of the
> instruments being played at the Porch Dawgs concert was designed and
> created
> by the musician, who is a board designer. It was an electronic marimba
> type
> thing that used alot of complicated coils and serpentine routing, I wish
> I
> could show you a link to it but I lost his card. (and what a surprise to
> learn that Andy's awesome Hawaiian shirts cost $10 at Krogers) I could
> go
> on, but this is already gonna be the longest post Ive ever written here
> (can
> you top this one, Bill?) so...
> Thirdly, we like to feel like we're part of something. Many companies
> don't
> design enough new products to support more than one circuit board
> designer,
> and quite often a single designer ends up supporting more than one
> company.
> The end result is that MANY of us work ALONE. Year in, year out, mouse
> in
> one hand, coffee in the other, interacting with the world through hi-res
> displays. So this is a chance to walk away from that environment and
> gather
> together, and realize that there other people like us, and for a couple
> of
> days feel some comradship (is that a word? dunno, but its a feeling). I
> just
> didn't feel that this year, and maybe its because we are getting
> splintered
> into more and more little conferences instead of one big one. Now IPC
> has
> gone off doing their own thing (which I haven't ever heard another
> designer
> say they really like), now I hear about NEW conferences in Chicago and
> maybe
> other places. IPC didn't even bother to have a booth at PCBWest so I
> couldn't even cash my annual "$50 Designer Council Coupon" like I used
> to,
> it just doesn't feel like we are all on the same page anymore.
> I never thought I would be one of those OLD guys who talk about "the
> good
> ol' days", but does anyone remember Ken Gilleo's presentation of "The
> 100
> Year History of the PCB"? or the display on the exhibit floor of "The
> History of PCBS"? or the panel discussion with Happy and Joe and Phil
> about
> "what PCBs will be like in 100 years"? or Pork Chops' rendition of a
> train
> wreck on harmonica? There wasn't anything like that this year. Maybe I'm
> just feeling nostalgic, or maybe the glory year of The Design Conference
> really was 2003.
> Finally, I heard something this year that really got me thinking.
> (Uh-Oh!)
> Maybe the math isn't perfect, but I think the Mentor Graphics User Group
> Conference had more designers attending than IPC, PCBWest and PCBEast
> And here's what I was thinking about THAT:
> About ten years ago, I published and article in which I stated "User
> Groups
> are Dead". I won't try to repeat the whole thing (sigh), but the point
> of it
> was that when I first started in this industry, there weren't many
> places to
> learn about PCB layout, so I attended every single PCAD User Group
> meeting
> and read every issue of PCDesign mag cover to cover. Then The Internet
> and
> The Design Conference came along, and my philosophy changed to this,
> "You
> know, its pretty easy to learn software, and its a lot more difficult to
> learn good design practices". So ever since, I have avoided the software
> conferences and concentrated on the design stuff. NOw I'm wondering if a
> shift in perception is warranted. The whole PCB design world has pretty
> much
> polarized into "Cadence People" and "Mentor People" (and kudos to the
> renegades who are cranking out freeware and open source tools, highest
> respect to YOU), but maybe people already know which umbrella they are
> going
> to stand under, and it makes more sense to concentrate on that umbrella.
> What I mean is, I know we are gonna be on Mentor's leash forever (here
> at
> Caterpillar, anyway), I know I'm already a pretty good designer, and I
> know
> where to go if I get stuck, so maybe what I DON'T know is how Mentor is
> going to influence my life.
> So maybe User Groups have come back to life, because that software IS
> our
> life. Maybe that's why a huge majority are attending the two big
> software
> conferences rather than design conferences? I'm thinking Mentor is
> feeling
> pretty confident now, and when you notice that their booth is smaller
> than
> the CAM350 booth, that says something. (confidence.) So the last user
> group
> conference I attended was VeriBest in Boulder, a LONG time ago. Maybe
> its
> time I check in with MUG.
> So, How was IPCWest? Was anyone there?
> Love ya,
> Jbro (aka "Helter Skelter")
> -=-=-=-
> On 4/11/07, Stout.Jean <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> So Jack, since there are no answers to this email, how was PCB West?
>> Jean
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