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March 2007


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R Sedlak <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, R Sedlak <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 14:53:53 -0700
text/plain (49 lines)
Ken:  I have seen it done (using tap water rinses), by people who never even considered using DI water.  However, you gotta consider the quality of the tap water they were using, which was very good... the water they were using was melting snow probably less than 24 hours before it rinsed their boards... and you have to ask what is the quality of the water you are using, as well as to ask what kind of stuff you are rinsing.  Is it a single use cleaner, which is lightly loaded with soils, or a multi-use cleaner, heavily loaded with soils, which can react with salts in the water, and give you deposits.

Another item to consider is that often municipal water sources can change, with the seasons, and water consumption level.  My company is located in such an area.  

Bottom line is that DI water is not that expensive, and perhaps provides peace of mind at a low cost.   So, while not always necessary, it might be appropriate to revert to using it.

Rudy Sedlak
RD Chemical Company
"Chafin, Ken G." <[log in to unmask]> wrote: This question may not provide adequate information for an unequivocal
answer but I need to get something going.

Is it practical or common for a PCB Assembly House to achieve desirable
cleanliness levels (e.g. x micrograms equivalent NaCl per square inch
per IPC-A-610 default) without using deionized water in their aqueous
cleaning process.

If practical is it common?

Are there significant risks of leaving inorganic residue entrapped in


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