March 2007


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EnviroNet <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Mar 2007 15:31:57 EST
Environmental Issues <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
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Joe Fjelstad <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the link. It appears another fresh opinion has been tossed into
the mix. I will  need to read it all. The executive summary is titillating

Hi Gordon, I read the date of issue as February, 2007:

"The IPCC has indicated that, although they are publishing the Summary for
Policymakers on February 2, 2007, they will not release the underlying report
until some time in May 2007. Until that time, readers should note that the
IPCC  has not officially accepted the wording of the underlying report or of
drafts on  which it is based.with offcial publication coming in May of this year"

Sounds like their jury is still out. It will be interesting to see what if
anything changes.

The words of John Maynard Keynes, "In the long run we are all dead" seem
appropriate here. We may not be here to see the effects, but the "7th
generation" will. However, by then the "frog" may have been  already been "boiled"... or

I don't pretend to have the answers but the cynic in me often wonders how
much science is driven by financial interests seeking to keep that status  quo
(at least in this matter), knowing that they will not live to see the  final
results of their decision to "let it ride", so yes, Gordon, I  feel the question
must always be asked... but that applies equally to those on  both sides of
the matter.

It is not for purpose of impugning reputations or motives, however. It is
just the need for full disclosure. Why would any entity set aside  money for any
study? and Who would benefit from the conclusions, either way?,  are
legitimate questions to be answered by all parties, not just of those whose  opinions
or conclusions we disagree with, but that's just my opinion.

In fact, for the moment, all views, both for and  against, are appreciated
for the balance they add to collective  thought. Hopefully, having all thoughts,
ideas and data in the mix and  fully considered we will be brought closer to
the truth and full  understanding.

Every ship needs both sails and anchors as the saying goes, but the  value
comes all being honest and truthful in their efforts and not being  caught up in
the service of something dark and sinister, like avarice. For  it is not
money but "the love of money is the root of all evil", as the  bible states.

This is not meant to imply that any researcher, anywhere is so  influenced
but it is a possibility to be considered because all researchers  are human and
all humans are fallible and subject to  influence.

To be sure, it takes more that two data points to establish a  trend but the
points appear to be lining up to indicate a causal  relationship from what I
can glean. Others may see it differently and I respect  that for the time being
because there is still a measure of  uncertainly. So I'm betting for the
moment that the global warming  theory is correct and I try to do the small things
that I can to minimize my  personal impact and hope that it might make a
difference, even if only a very  small one, in the future.

I am not sure if that make me an anchor or a sail,  however... ;-) The future
knows for certain but in either case it  causes one no harm to use less,
rather than more, energy in their  daily living. Ghandi advised us to : Live
simply so that others can simply  live." It seems to me to be some sage advice that
has long legs.

Very best,
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