March 2007


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Jeff Seeger <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:57:38 -0500
"(Designers Council Forum)" <[log in to unmask]>, Jeff Seeger <[log in to unmask]>
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Impacts of Fine Pitch BGA/CSP Devices         The Greater Boston Chapter of the IPC Designer's Council is         holding its next meeting on Wednesday, Mar 14th at 6pm in the         conference room at iRobot in Burlington MA. Javier Villa, Engineering Manager with Gorilla Circuits, will present on the challenges of fine pitch (sub .8mm) components. With components having long passed 1mm and finer pitch arrays, the march to higher densities presents real challenges to real world mounting and routing. Add in goals such as high elec- trical speeds and volume production needs and the designer is faced with finding a very narrow path to success. Fine lines and spaces may be widely advertised but frequently can't be put next to each other, or need to use very thin copper, in- troducing yet more concerns. Too large an array at too fine a pitch and microvias only move the problem down a layer. What questions should we be asking our fabricators? Mr Villa holds a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering as well as a Six Sigma Black Belt Certification. He has 10 years ex- perience in PCB manufacturing. Prior to Gorilla Circuits, Javier was an engineering manager for Sanmina's Tech Center West. He has been recognized as an innovator in PCB process development, having received awards from Cisco, HP, and Tellabs. Gorilla Circuits is the longest established board house in Cali- fornia's Silicon Valley, producing quick-turn, prototype, and pre-production boards for the most demanding customers.         Agenda:         6:00 pm, Arrivals/Pizza, sponsored by Gorilla Circuits         6:30 Jeff Seeger - Chapter Update         6:45 Javier Villa, Fine Geometry PCBs         Location:         iRobot, 63 South Ave, Burlington MA. Directly across from         the Burlington Mall just off of Middlesex Turnpike; South         Ave has Long's Jeweler's on the corner. As you proceed up         South Ave, iRobot's front door is at the first left.         RSVP's needed:           Please RSVP to Jeff Seeger [log in to unmask] , if you         are bounced by a spam blocker please call me @978 649 9800         before Wednesday noon, 14-Mar. We need this in order to         plan the refreshments.         President's Note: The matriculation of components out of the handheld realm and the relentless march of Moore's Law are moving tech- nology normally deployed on build-up multilayer squarely into the organic board mainstream. Accommodating today's devices on boards with routine manufacturing techniques is tricky at best, and maintaining producability serves to compound the issues. If you're not facing devices at less than .8mm pitch already, you will soon enough. Be ready!         Mission:         The physical design of circuit boards is only getting more         complex. Only the physical designer can hope to sort out         the myriad interests that add up to a printed circuit board.         The Greater Boston Chapter of the IPC Designer's Council         is trying to bring the stake holders from every discipline,         to show you their problems and solutions so you can add to         your arsenal of knowledge.         Your help and participation would be most appreciated, how         about getting involved!         Thanks and regards,         Jeff Seeger, CTO, Applied CAD Knowledge Inc.         President, Greater Boston Chapter, IPC Designer's Council --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DesignerCouncil Mail List provided as a free service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8d To unsubscribe, send a message to [log in to unmask] with following text in the BODY (NOT the subject field): SIGNOFF DesignerCouncil. To temporarily stop/(restart) delivery of DesignerCouncil send: SET DesignerCouncil NOMAIL/(MAIL) Search previous postings at: > On-Line Resources & Databases > E-mail Archives Please visit IPC web site for additional information, or contact Keach Sasamori at [log in to unmask] or 847-615-7100 ext.2815 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------