June 2006


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EnviroNet <[log in to unmask]>
MA/NY DDave <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 00:07:11 -0500
Brian Ellis <[log in to unmask]>
Environmental Issues <[log in to unmask]>, MA/NY DDave <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi Brian, EnviroNet Listservers,

Thanks again for your technical knowledge on Iran's capabilities to build
ONE (1) bomb, with what I will say is little of a delivery system that will
challenge no one, not even Israel which is a political happy happy pawn, or
rook, in the current global game. Afganistan used to be the prize yet not
right now.

Iraq was about the same as Iran for Bush-2's WMD argument.

Yet hey it worked on the citizenry in the US and UK so I guess George-III,
Cheney, Rice, Rumstud, Blair said what the heck lets do these moves all
over again.

From everything I have seen or read, I do support that it is all global
politics, and on the media's side a bit of "watch me, tune in" so we can
see the advertisements that pay the network's bills.

In Entertainment Wrestling, in the USA, they always need a BAD guy. When
rotations through Bad guys don't keep the excitement up high enought the
boss, owner, Vince McMahon becomes the bad guy to keep the juices flowing
and keep the fans entertained and calling for blood. Testosterone used
unwisely on a global stage isn't so valuable to the world yet it sells in

So as these things continue to happen, I guess we should call these
government guys and gals the GEPS (Global Entertainment Political Society)
GPS with an E added and pronounced like jeepes which means (jee golly is
this really happening) Hey a little bit of simple nice speaking Americana.